Benton Visual Retention Kit 5th Edition

Benton Visual Retention Kit 5th Edition


Assess visual perception, memory and visuoconstructive abilities

Assess visual perception, memory and visuoconstructive abilities


Abigail Benton Sivan

Age Range:

8 years through adult


Individual – 15 to 20 minutes

More than 50 years of proven clinical utility is the hallmark of Benton Visual Retention Test®. This test has proven its sensitivity to reading disabilities, nonverbal learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, Attention-Deficit Disorder, Alzheimer’s, and other forms of dementia. Besides easy administration, the Benton Visual Retention Testalso features updated normative data, expanded scoring examples, and a detailed review of research conducted with the test.

Easy Administration

Each of the 3 test forms consists of 10 designs presented one-by-one. The examinee reproduces the drawings in the Response Booklet-Record Form. The 3 alternate, equivalent forms of the Benton Visual Retention Test allow for retesting while minimizing practice effects. Interrater scoring is highly reliable (r = .95 to .97).

Complete Kit:

Includes Manual, Stimulus Booklet (all 30 designs), Scoring Template, and 25 Response Booklets – Record Forms.
ISBN: 9780158027500

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