Going Digital With Mental Health Assessment

Globally, over the years, we have seen a rising trend in the population suffering from some form of mental illness. The World Health Organisation (WHO) revealed that in India alone, 7.5% of the population suffer from some form of mental disorder, with a recent National Mental Health Survey showing that 150 million Indians require “active… Continue reading Going Digital With Mental Health Assessment

The Urgent Need to Identify Learning Barriers in Schools

The predetermined goal of any system imparting education is to provide quality education for all student learners so that they can further realise their full potential and contribute to society in a meaningful way. Unfortunately, that is not the case for 1%-19% of school-going children in India, suffering from learning disabilities. Even though the Indian… Continue reading The Urgent Need to Identify Learning Barriers in Schools

Evolution of Inclusive Education for the Differently-Able

Development of educational services for children with special needs has closely adhered to the trends of the evolutionary history of mankind itself. In the initial stages when the hunting and food gathering man depended on muscular prowess for survival, the lesser able or the disabled were uncaringly abandoned or even deliberately annihilated from among the… Continue reading Evolution of Inclusive Education for the Differently-Able

Importance of Career Assessment and Counselling at Educational Institutions

For this edition of the Mind’s Eye, we have an interesting interview with Prof. K. Prakash, who is the Faculty Member at SRM School Of Management of SRM Institute Of Science And Technology. In this interview, Prof. Prakash shared his thoughts and experience of implementing and running a successful career assessment and counselling program at… Continue reading Importance of Career Assessment and Counselling at Educational Institutions

Importance of Career Development

Career development is a process throughout the students’ educational journey of self-assessment, career exploration, making life-changing decisions and implementing it. career development of students, long term engagement with the Industry and placements of students for internships and final jobs is an important process in Ahmedabad University. The Career Development Centre at Ahmedabad University builds and… Continue reading Importance of Career Development

What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapy has been defined by WHO as “a Client Centred health Profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation”. It is the profes-sion that helps people across the lifes-pan to do things they want and need, through the therapeutic use of daily activities. It is a profession which is much in demand across… Continue reading What is Occupational Therapy?

Universal screening 101: Benefiting students with behavioral and emotional risk

In today’s school culture of frequent assessment, we may need reminding that the ultimate intent of screening for emotional and behavioral concerns is to directly benefit students. Yes, teachers and administrators can, and should, refer students for help when they are concerned. However, sole reliance on referrals can lead to unfair practices whereby some groups… Continue reading Universal screening 101: Benefiting students with behavioral and emotional risk

How Mental Health Affects Physical Health Conditions

In many cases the severity of certain medical conditions make them the primary and initial focus of intervention, however, as one begins to explore the research and studies surrounding this topic it becomes clear that mental and physical health issues often overlap. The Research Behind Comorbidity Depression is a commonly identified alongside a variety of… Continue reading How Mental Health Affects Physical Health Conditions

Language: the catalyst of growth

The development of receptive language begins in utero. The fetus begins to recognize the mother’s speech patterns and distinguish them from other sounds. At birth, the neo-nate’s cry serves as a highly significant biological function. An acoustic analysis of the birth cry holds a plethora of information related to the respiratory,laryngeal, and, the nervous systems.… Continue reading Language: the catalyst of growth

Importance of implementing School-wide Mental Health Programs

Importance of implementing School-wide Mental Health Programs. Often when we say School mental health, the most common image that may come to our mind may be that of a school counsellor or a career counsellor sitting in their rooms giving one to one counselling sessions to a student or their parents or organising workshops to… Continue reading Importance of implementing School-wide Mental Health Programs

Cognition & Memory

Often cognition and memory are used as synonyms and is even used interchangeably. However, these are, even though inter-related, not essen-tially the same. Cognition has different definitions and interpretations but so far the most influential is given by Neisser(1967). According to him, cognition refers to the mental process by which external or internal input is… Continue reading Cognition & Memory

Psychological Well-being at Indian Schools – A Pearson Study

At the offset, it was identified that stress among students greatly varied based on the city of study. Bengaluru ranked the highest at 68 percent, followed by Hyderabad at 42 percent. Teachers from Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru agreed that they may not realize if a student exhibited behavioural issues in the classroom due to underlying… Continue reading Psychological Well-being at Indian Schools – A Pearson Study

Emotional Health: Path to improved well-being

The concept of Emotional Health comes to us largely from the field of positive psychology. It can be thought of as an extension of mental health; it’s the “optimal functioning” end of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make up both our inner and outer worlds. It is a state or the degree to which… Continue reading Emotional Health: Path to improved well-being

Learning Disability- Indian scenario

According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, LD is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to receive, process, store and respond to information. The term learning disability is used to describe the seeming unexplained difficulty a person of at least average intelligence has in acquiring basic academic skills. These skills are essential… Continue reading Learning Disability- Indian scenario

Stop Comparing, Start Reassuring!

An actual conversation heard at a school, between a set of parents and their child who is in the 5th standard- ‘Why have you scored 3 marks lesser than Arun? Last time you had scored 5% more than him.” The child’s reply was to look downcast and hang his head down in shame. The above… Continue reading Stop Comparing, Start Reassuring!

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