Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development- Screening test (Bayley-III)

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development- Screening test (Bayley-III)


Screen for cognitive, language and motor development delays

Screen for cognitive, language and motor development delays


Nancy Bayley, PhD


Examine all the facets of a young child’s development

Age Range:

1 month to 42 months


15 – 25 minutes

Completion Time:

15 to 25 minutes




Cut scores by age for Cognitive, Language, and Motor Scales

Publication Date:


Professionals working with infants and toddlers in any setting understand the need for ongoing screening, monitoring, and reassessment of a child’s capacities — important because young children grow very rapidly. The Bayley-III Screening Test can quickly determine if a child is “on track” developmentally or if further, more comprehensive assessment is needed.

Features & Benefits


  • Cognitive, language, and motor domains tested
  • Fast administration — 15 to 25 minutes
  • Easy administration — selected items from the full Bayley-III battery
  • Child-friendly, playful activities
  • Cut scores according to age


  • Ideal for use in early intervention centers, Early Head Start programs, pediatric offices, day care centers — settings where many children are cared for on a regular basis
  • Screens infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delay to allow early support
  • Cost effective

Kit includes a Manual (Technical + Administration), Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, and Manipulative Set

Areas of Assessment

The Bayley-III Screening Test assesses skills in three domains:

  • Cognitive
  • Language
  • Motor

Tools & Utilities

Bayley-III Observational Checklist (PDF – 159 KB) Lists nearly 100 items that can be easily observed at any time during administration. Use the checklist to familiarize yourself with those items that can be observed outside the standard administration order, saving precious administration time. Make paper copies or use a grease pencil to note observed items, then later transfer to the master record form.

Visit our resource center to download the above information material. 

This pre-recorded 20-30 minute session allows you to learn at your leisure. All you need is access to the Internet and the sound enabled on your computer. Please keep in mind that the session may take a few minutes to load. Learn about the test that helps you screen for developmental delays and then conduct in-depth assessment, if needed. Attend a session

Complete Kit:

Includes manual (technical & administration), stimulus book, 25 record forms and manipulative set

ISBN 9780158027258

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