Friday 07 Aug-2020 2.30pm to 4.30pm IST

Brief: Apart from parents, teachers are the ones who spend a lot of time with children, thus giving them ample time and scope to observe and understand a child. Many children experience difficulty in academics due to various reasons. This webinar aims to highlight these reasons and help a teacher to identify and distinguish between developmental delays and Learning Disability (LD) in a student. Teachers will also gain knowledge about the rights of a child with LD and how to help them

Who can attend: Teachers

Benefits of attending this training:

  •  Participants will learn how to pick up the early signs of a learning disorder
  • Participants will learn how different learning styles and strategies can provide targeted management
  • Additionally, take away material on how one can teach a child with LD
  •  Participants will learn how to integrate the role of parents,  teachers and peers effectively in supporting a child with LD
Trainer: Ms Rachel Jayseelan
Psychologist (M.Phil) with close to 8 years of experience in the field of psychological testing, assessments, currently employed at the Reach Clinic,  Bangalore. The area of work includes screening developmental, learning disorders.

Fee: INR 1500 + 18% GST

  • Advanced booking made before (23- July – 2020) will get a 10% discount
  • Students will get a 25% discount
  • Discounts cannot be clubbed

Registration Closed