Every individual has the right to make informed career choices, without language posing a barrier.

My Choice My Future

A self-assessment of personality to help individuals find their right career paths.

Indian Language Editions

Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu

My Choice My Future (MCMF) is a scientific, online career guidance solution to help individuals identify the right career path in the Indian context, by assessing their personality in relation to career interests and choices.

With MCMF Indian Language Editions, students and professionals can self-assess their personality in six major Indian languages, besides English. Following the publication of My Choice My Future in English, these additional language editions will empower millions of students and professionals make more informed career decisions. MCMF Indian language editions fill a long-felt gap in career guidance tools that cater to non-English speaking populations in India.


  • Online assessment, developed in India to cater to career paths and occupations in the Indian context.
  • Statistically tested and validated on a large sample in India
  • Automatic generation of a comprehensive and personalized personality report
  • Personalized career counselling by certified MCMF counsellors, based on the personality report
  • Editions available in Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu


  • Personality-career mapping – Maps an individual’s dominant personality traits to suitable career clusters
  • Fitment between personality and career aspirations – Helps an individual understand if their personality traits are suited to their career aspirations, in order to consider alternate career choices
  • Career development – Provides objective data for a student in school or an individual at any stage of career, to enhance self-awareness and obtain an in-depth understanding of personality strengths and blind spots related to career domains
  • Personality development – Helps a young individual understand their behavioral or personality strengths and work on their areas of improvement in relation to specific career clusters
  • Identifying preferred work environments – Helps a student or professional determine their preferred work environments, based on their personality traits
  • Achieving job satisfaction – Helps align an individual’s career path with their personality for greater job satisfaction and professional success in current or future roles

Benefits of using MCMF Indian language editions:

  • Language options capture a test taker’s career interests and personality variables more accurately for those who are not adequately exposed to the English language
  • Students from schools with vernacular medium of instruction can receive the right career guidance during important academic milestones
  • Government-supported skill development and education programs can expand their reach into the child and youth population that lives beyond urban areas
  • Indian language editions for this online assessment contribute to the Government of India’s Digital India initiatives

In India, students in school often invest significant time and resources preparing for college admission in premier institutions, without the necessary interest or behavioral inclination in the subject they wish to pursue. The choice of a higher education degree or course is, more often than not, influenced by family, friends and significant others. As a result, students often pursue higher education based on informal advice from others and for subjects of study and subsequent careers that are not aligned to important aspects of their personalities.

The above, in turn, leads to later academic struggles and dissatisfaction with one’s future profession. The end result –

  • Loss of precious time in course correction towards the right career
  • Missed educational and career opportunities
  • Struggles with productivity and performance at work due to low motivation and high stress levels
  • Interpersonal friction in both personal and professional domains
  • Lowered quality of life due to loss of earnings and compromised psychological well being

Choosing a line of higher education and career path by understanding one’s personality traits as related to career leads to a more meaningful and enriching academic experience for the student, and greater likelihood of the education leading to a fulfilling career in the future.

MCMF assesses an individual on twelve personality traits.

These twelve personality traits are classified into four basic personality traits and eight career-oriented personality traits. The basic personality traits are important irrespective of the career path an individual wishes to pursue. Career-oriented personality traits are related to career domains. Each personality trait is measured by six dimensions.

Basic Personality Traits

  • Reliability/responsibility
  • Determination/focus
  • Discipline
  • Independence

Career Oriented Personality Traits

  • Risk taking
  • Adaptability/Versatility
  • Extrovert
  • Creative/Imaginative
  • Compassion/Generosity
  • Communicative/Expressive
  • Analytical
  • Hands-on

When an individual takes the MCMF, they obtain:

  • Insights into where they are placed for the twelve personality traits assessed
  • Information on their top three or four dominant personality traits and strengths
  • Information on career paths that match the individual’s personality and strengths
  • Secondary and higher secondary school students
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate students
  • Working professionals and those who wish to change to more suitable careers

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