Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (CLQT™+)

Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test-Plus (CLQT™+)


Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, ScD


Quickly measure cognitive and linguistic strengths and weaknesses

Age Range:

18:0 – 89:11



Completion Time:

15 to 30 minutes


Criterion cut scores with descriptive severity ratings

Publication Date:

001 (CLQT); 2017 (CLQT+)

Leading neurobehavioral researcher and author, Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, ScD, designed the criterion-referenced Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (CLQT) to assist you in quickly assessing strengths and weaknesses in five cognitive domains (Attention, Memory, Executive Functions, Language, and Visuospatial Skills). Now, the CLQT+ adds an important element–an optional new administration path for people with aphasia. Including one new semantic comprehension task and scoring for several elements within the current tasks, the CLQT+ gives you:

  • more flexibility in your administration
  • clearer interpretation for people with aphasia
  • the same foundation for a quick, reliable cognitive assessment at table or bedside
  • an effective tool for English- or Spanish-speaking adults with known or suspected neurological impairment as a result of stroke, traumatic brain injury, or dementia.

Content and Administration

CLQT+ offers two standard administration paths–a Traditional Administration and an Aphasia Administration. Whether you administer at bedside or in an office, the tasks administered for each path are slightly different:

Traditional Administration Aphasia Administration
  • Personal Facts
  • Symbol Cancellation
  • Confrontation Naming
  • Clock Drawing
  • Story Retelling
  • Symbol Trails
  • Generative Naming
  • Design Memory
  • Mazes
  • Design Generation
  • Personal Facts
  • Symbol Cancellation*
  • Confrontation Naming
  • Clock Drawing
  • Story Retelling
  • Symbol Trails*
  • Generative Naming
  • Design Memory
  • Mazes*
  • Design Generation
  • Semantic Comprehension
  *Additional points scored for following auditory directions within this task for the Aphasia Administration.

Users and Applications

The CLQT+ can be used by:

  • Speech-language pathologists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Psychologists/Neuropsychologists
  • Other qualified professionals interested in a quick measure of cognitive/linguistic status

Use the CLQT+ test:

  • as a stand-alone assessment
  • in connection with other assessment tools in a battery

The CLQT+ is particularly suited for several special uses:

  • Progress monitoring–Because of its brief administration time, the CLQT+ may be used at intervals in recovery to show progress. In particular, the Clock Drawing task may be used descriptively as a “mini-screen” of cognitive status–every few days to a week in recovery or at an interval of at least two months with cognitive decline, such as dementia.
  • Driving assessments–Occupational therapists and related professionals may use the CLQT+ as part of a larger assessment process on driving readiness, to quickly assess cognitive skills needed for safe and successful vehicle operation.
  • Competency assessment–Now with the Aphasia Administration, individuals with language impairment/aphasia can show cognitive ability levels apart from a language disorder.
  • Research–In adults with multiple types of neurological impact (e.g., TBI, stroke, neurodegenerative disease), professionals may use the CLQT+ due to its comprehensive focus in connection with its efficient administration time for patients of all severity levels.

Psychometric Information

Original CLQT

One pilot (n=13) and three studies (n=92, 154, and 119, respectively) established the reliability and validity of the CLQT. Criterion cut scores, domain scores, and severity ratings were developed from these data sets along with the author’s clinical expertise.

Aphasia sample (CLQT+)

One clinical study including 76 individuals diagnosed with aphasia associated with left hemisphere strokes were given the revised version of the CLQT. Consistent with the original CLQT data, scores have been provided for two age groups: ages 18–69 and ages 70–89. In general, as expected, average task scores are lower for the aphasia sample compared to the nonclinical sample.

Two-Minute Talks with Dr. Nancy Helm-Estabrooks

Listen to podcast FAQs with Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, ScD, CLQT test author


CLQT+ Product Brochure


Interpretive Information

  • CLQT Visual Neglect Case

    Pearson Author Series: The CLQT with Dr. Nancy Helm-Estabrooks

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Clinical Application of the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test+ for SLPs

    Presenter: Adam Scheller, PhD

    The CLQT was designed to quickly assess strengths and weaknesses in five cognitive domains (Attention, Memory, Executive Functions, Language, and Visuospatial Skills). The CLQT+ adds an important element–an optional new administration path for people with diminished language capacity/aphasia. Including one new semantic comprehension task and scoring for several elements within the current tasks, the CLQT+ offers: more flexibility in administration; clearer interpretation for people with aphasia/language impairment; the same foundation for a quick, reliable cognitive assessment; and an effective tool for English- or Spanish-speaking adults with known or suspected neurological impairment as a result of stroke, traumatic brain injury, or dementia. With new changes to an assessment come possible new uses and effective methods for clinicians to maximize the potential data gathered during an evaluation. Attendees will learn about changes to this trusted assessment and focus will be made on how to use this assessment effectively in clinical practice.

    Date: Jul 26, 2017

    pdf PDF: Clinical Application of the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test+ for SLPs

    link Video: Clinical Application of the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test+ for SLPs

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  • CLQT Visual Neglect Case

    Pearson Author Series: The CLQT with Dr. Nancy Helm-Estabrooks

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Clinical Application of the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test+ for SLPs

    Presenter: Adam Scheller, PhD

    The CLQT was designed to quickly assess strengths and weaknesses in five cognitive domains (Attention, Memory, Executive Functions, Language, and Visuospatial Skills). The CLQT+ adds an important element–an optional new administration path for people with diminished language capacity/aphasia. Including one new semantic comprehension task and scoring for several elements within the current tasks, the CLQT+ offers: more flexibility in administration; clearer interpretation for people with aphasia/language impairment; the same foundation for a quick, reliable cognitive assessment; and an effective tool for English- or Spanish-speaking adults with known or suspected neurological impairment as a result of stroke, traumatic brain injury, or dementia. With new changes to an assessment come possible new uses and effective methods for clinicians to maximize the potential data gathered during an evaluation. Attendees will learn about changes to this trusted assessment and focus will be made on how to use this assessment effectively in clinical practice.

    Date: Jul 26, 2017

    pdf PDF: Clinical Application of the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test+ for SLPs

    link Video: Clinical Application of the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test+ for SLPs

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