The Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition (WRAT5™) provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills, and helps identify possible learning disabilities.
The Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition (WRAT5™) provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills, and helps identify possible learning disabilities.
The Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition (WRAT5™) provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills, and helps identify possible learning disabilities.
The WRAT5-India measures and monitors fundamental reading, spelling, and math skills.
Age Range:Individuals 6:0–19:11
Administration:Paper and pencil
Scoring Option:Q-global®
Qualification Level:B
RTI Tiers:RTI Levels 2, 3
Publication Date:2019
Completion Time:Approximately
10–25 minutes for ages 6–7 and
30–40 minutes for ages 8 and up
The Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth Edition-India (WRAT5-India) provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills in people aged 6:0–19:11 and helps identify possible learning disabilities.
The WRAT5-India is upgraded with data reflecting current populations based on recent census information. Updates include:
The WRAT5-India provides derived scores and interpretive information for four subtests:
Helpful measure to understand academic, screening/re-evaluation and academic progress monitoring
Inside the session – Administration, scoring & interpretation
Key Learning – Understand how to measure and monitor fundamental reading, spelling, and math skills.
Duration – 3 hours
Who can attend – Students of psychology, Clinical Psychologists; Psychiatrists; Counselling Psychologists