Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™, Fourth Edition (Bayley™-4)

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™, Fourth Edition (Bayley™-4)


Bayley-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.

Bayley-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.


Nancy Bayley, PhD Glen P. Aylward, PhD, ABPP


Bayley™-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children.

Age Range:

16 days to 42 months


Paper-and-pencil; Q-global

Scoring Option:

Q-global (web-based); Manual

Completion time:

30 to 70 minutes (depending upon age of child)

Publication date:

September 2019


Subtest level scaled scores, domain level composite scores, percentile ranks, confidence intervals, developmental age equivalents, and growth scale values

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™, Fourth Edition (Bayley™-4) assesses infant and toddler development across five scales: Cognitive, Language, Motor, Social–Emotional, and Adaptive Behavior. Assessment of the Cognitive, Language, and Motor domains is accomplished by administering structured items to the child, and engaging the caregiver to support responses where appropriate. The Social-Emotional and Adaptive Behavior scales are administered via caregiver questionnaire which allows them to share their own observations of the child’s abilities

5 Developmental Domains

Cognitive: Visual preference, attention, memory, sensorimotor, exploration and manipulation, concept formation

Language: Receptive and expressive language subtests
Motor: Fine motor and gross motor subtests
Social-Emotional: Communicating needs, self-regulation using emotional signals
Adaptive Behavior: Listening and understanding, talking, caring for self, relating to others, and playing

Top Reasons to Buy the New Bayley-4

Caregiver Involvement

  • Caregiver responses can be used to support the scoring of certain items

Time Savings

  • Reduced number of items and improved workflow provides time savings for the
    whole assessment
  • The shortened adaptive behaviour content from the Vineland™-3 saves the caregiver significant time

New Content

  • Content updates were made based on research and user feedback

Improved Psychometric Properties

  • Updated normative data and clinical studies

Digital delivery option

  • Bayley-4 will be available on Q-global® via a digital record form with integrated instructions and flexible administration to help navigate the assessment and improve the examiner workflow.


  • Adjusts the start point based on the estimated due date if the child was premature


  • No need for a separate record form or
    administration manual
  • Supports non-linear administration and administering related items

Ease of use

  • Messaging included to guide establishing basal and meeting discontinue rules
  • Contains pictorial representation of administration and examples for
    complex items
  • All items in a series can be simultaneously scored based on a single response


  • A review screen ensures all required data is captured prior to submitting
    the assessment
  • Item score suggestions are provided based on when the timer is stopped or the number of correct responses to trials

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