Beck Depression Inventory® – FastScreen for Medical Patients (BDI®)

Beck Depression Inventory® – FastScreen for Medical Patients (BDI®)


Quickly screen for depression in adolescents and adults with the new BDI® – FastScreen for Medical Patients. A new version of the Beck Depression Inventory®–II designed specifically for medical patients. BDI® – FastScreen is a reliable 7-item self-report instrument useful for case-finding.

Quickly screen for depression in adolescents and adults with the new BDI® – FastScreen for Medical Patients. A new version of the Beck Depression Inventory®–II designed specifically for medical patients. BDI® – FastScreen is a reliable 7-item self-report instrument useful for case-finding.


Aaron T. Beck, Robert A. Steer, Gregory K. Brown


Quickly screen for depression in adolescents and adults

Age Range:

13 through 80 years


Less than 5 minutes

Publication Date:


Quickly screen for depression in adolescents and adults with the new BDI® – FastScreen for Medical Patients. A new version of the Beck Depression Inventory®–II designed specifically for medical patients. BDI® – FastScreen is a reliable 7-item self-report instrument useful for case-finding.

Complies with DSM-IV

BDI–FastScreen measures the severity of depressive symptoms corresponding to the psychological, nonsomatic criteria for diagnosing major Depressive Disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders—Fourth Edition (DSM– IV).

Isolates Depressive Symptoms

Reflecting the cognitive and affective symptoms of depression, BDI–FastScreen is a quick and effective way to quantify depression, while excluding symptoms that might be related to medical problems. This test was developed specifically for evaluating depression in patients whose behavioral and somatic symptoms attributable to biological, medical, alcohol and/or substance abuse problems may confound diagnosis.

Quick and Easy to Use

This cost-effective, focused evaluation tool is self-administered in just a few minutes and easily scored by office staff.

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