Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation(BSS)

Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation(BSS)


Assess an individual’s thoughts, attitudes and intentions regarding suicide.

Assess an individual’s thoughts, attitudes and intentions regarding suicide.


Aaron T. Beck


Evaluate suicidal thinking

Age Range:

17 years and older


Individual – 5 to 10 minutes

Scoring Option:

Manual Scoring or Q-global™ Scoring & Reporting

Control a more focused examination of a patient’s suicidal intent by using the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation® (BSS®) as a starting point.

Five Screening Items, 21 Test Items

The scale is made up of 21 items. Five screening items reduce the length and the intrusiveness of the questionnaire for patients who are nonsuicidal.



This test is available on Q-global™ – Pearson’s new web-based platform for scoring and reporting. It’s accessible anytime, from any computer connected to the Internet. Secure and affordable, this system helps you quickly and automatically organize information, generate scores, and produce accurate, comprehensive reports.

Q-global also offers:

  • 24/7 secure, web-based access
  • Portability: Q-global can be used on mobile devices such as a laptop or tablet
  • On-demand, reliable scoring and comprehensive reporting solutions
  • Pricing on a per-report basis

Interpretive Report
This concise report provides useful information such as the client’s demographics, a graphical presentation of the client’s raw score, a brief interpretation of the client’s test score and a list of items endorsements.

View a sample BSS Interpretive Report

Progress Report
This report can help monitor a client’s progress over time. It graphically displays changes in the client’s scores. It is provided at no additional charge.

View a sample BSS Progress Report 

Meeting of Two Great Minds—

Western philosophy meets Eastern philosophy at the 2005 ICCP Conference
The Father of Cognitive Therapy speaks with his holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on how emotions, thoughts, and society impact our choices in life. You can experience this once in a lifetime event now.

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