Behavioral Inattention Test (BIT)


The Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT) is an objective behavioral test of everyday skills relevant to visual neglect, aimed at increasing the understanding of specific difficulties patients experience.

The Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT) is an objective behavioral test of everyday skills relevant to visual neglect, aimed at increasing the understanding of specific difficulties patients experience.


Barbara A. Wilson, Janet Cockburn, Peter W. Halligan


Predict everyday problems associated with unilateral neglect

Age Range:

19 to 83 years


Approximately 40 minutes


Two parallel versions


80 patient U.K. clinical study; 15 controls

Publication Date:


The Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT) is an objective behavioral test of everyday skills relevant to visual neglect, aimed at increasing the understanding of specific difficulties patients experience. There are two parallel versions, each comprising six “conventional” subtests and nine behavioral subtests. Short and easy to understand and interpret, the BIT is applicable to a wide range of environmental settings. The BIT has been validated against conventional tests of neglect and therapists’ reports. It also has excellent interrater, test retest, and alternate form reliability.

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