Boehm-3 Preschool

Boehm-3 Preschool


The Boehm-3 Preschool test helps identify children who lack an understanding of basic relational concepts, for early intervention and an increased chance of success in school.

The Boehm-3 Preschool test helps identify children who lack an understanding of basic relational concepts, for early intervention and an increased chance of success in school.


Ann E. Boehm, PhD


Quickly and easily identify children who need help with basic relational concepts

Age Range:

3.0 through 5.11 years

Scoring Option:

Manual scoring

RTI Tiers:

RTI Levels 2 and 3

Completion Time:

20-30 minutes


English norms: 660 children, Spanish norms: 300 children in the U.S.


Percentile by 6-month age bands

Report Options:

Parent Report

Publication Date:


Quickly and easily identify children who need help with basic relational concepts.

The Boehm-3 Preschool is an easy-to-administer tool for measuring 26 basic concepts relevant to preschool and early childhood curriculum. This test helps you identify children who lack understanding of basic relational concepts so that you can provide intervention sooner, increasing their chance of success in school. Each concept is tested twice, to verify the child’s understanding.

Features & Benefits

This measure enables you to:

  • Assess each concept twice to determine the child’s understanding across contexts
  • Stimulus Manual and Record Forms include both English and Spanish test items
  • Examiner’s Manual contains normative scores for English- or Spanish-speaking children
  • Administer and score in less than 30 minutes

Psychometric Information

The Boehm-3 Preschool was standardized and normed on a nationally representative sample of 660 children in the United States. Internal consistency reliability coefficients range from .85 to .92; test reliability ranges from .85 to .92. Evidence of validity includes test content information and a comparison of scores to the earlier edition of Boehm Preschool. Separate norms are available in Spanish, based on the performance of 300 Spanish-speaking children living in the United States. Internal consistency reliability coefficients range from .80 to .91; test reliability ranges from .76 to .88.


The complete kit includes:

  • Curriculum-based test summary
  • Observation and intervention planning tool
  • Parent Report form
  • Administration directions and testing materials for children who are differently abled

For children with low vision

Dr. Boehm, in conjunction with the American Printing House for the Blind, released a tactile version of Boehm-3 Preschool in 2015. The tactile version can be purchased through the American Printing House for the Blind.

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Introduction to the Boehm Test of Basic Concepts-3

    Presenter: Ann E. Boehm, PhD

    This webinar will focus on evidence-based factors for teachers, school psychologists, and special educators to consider when using the test outcomes to guide instruction. Intervention planning will be explored using a developmental framework to monitor progress. A number of activities and games to play at school and at home will be presented.

    Date: Apr 17, 2014



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