Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL™)

Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL™)


Elizabeth Carrow-Woolfolk, PhD

Age Range:

3 through 21

Completion Time:

30 to 45 minutes for the core battery


Age-based and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), grade and test-age equivalents, percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanines.

CASL-2 Coming November 2016

Measure language skills thoroughly

Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL) is an individually and orally administered, research-based, theory-driven oral language assessment battery for ages 3 through 21.

Fifteen tests measure language processing skills—comprehension, expression, and retrieval—in four language structure categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic, and Pragmatic.


  • In-depth assessment capabilities provide a precise picture of problems with language processing skills and structural knowledge.
  • Use CASL to record growth from preschool through the postsecondary years.
  • Age-based norms identify language disorders and impairment as outlined by IDEA.
  • Tests, composites, and indexes have high internal consistency and test-retest reliabilities.

No reading or writing required

Only a verbal or nonverbal (pointing) response is required. Reading or writing ability is not needed to respond to test items.

The CASL battery is ideal for measuring delayed language, oral language disorders, dyslexia, and aphasia.

Built-in flexibility

CASL is flexible. Administer only the tests you need for a single subject. For example, an average five-year-old might be given four core tests, plus one or two supplementary tests, if warranted.

Core tests measure the most representative aspects of each language category for each of the six age bands.

Supplementary tests provide additional diagnostic information to yield assessment data for quantitative (profile) and qualitative (clinical) analyses.

Assess comprehension, expression, and retrieval in four oral language categories

View and download the CASL Test Chart >>

Lexical/ Semantic Tests: Lexical/Semantic—knowledge and use of words and word combinations. Tests include: Basic Concepts, Antonyms, Synonyms, Sentence Completion, and Idiomatic Language

Syntactic Tests: knowledge and use of grammar (morphology and syntax). Tests include: Syntax Construction, Paragraph Comprehension, Grammatical Morphemes, Sentence Comprehension, and Grammaticality Judgement

Supralinguistic Tests: Supralinguistic—comprehension of complex language whose meaning is not directly available from lexical or grammatical information. Tests include: Nonliteral Language, Meaning from Context, Inference, and Ambiguous Sentences

Pragmatic Test: awareness of appropriate language in a situational context and the ability to modify this language as necessary

CASL Core and Supplementary Tests by Age Band

Fifteen tests let you measure specific aspects of oral language ability. You can administer Core tests (C) to derive a global language composite. Supplementary tests (S) provide you with additional diagnostic information and Index Scores.

Age 3-0 to
5-0 to
7-0 to
11-0 to
13-0 to
18-0 to
Comprehension of Basic Concepts C S
Antonyms C C C S S
Synonyms S S C C
Sentence Completion S S S S S S
Idiomatic Language S S S
Syntax Construction C C C S S S
Paragraph Comprehension of Syntax S C C S
Grammatical Morphemes S C S S
Sentence Comprehension of Syntax C S S
Grammaticality Judgment S S C C
Nonliteral Language C C C C
Meaning from Context S C C
Inference S S S
Ambiguous Sentences S S S
Pragmatic Judgment C C C C C C


Descriptive Analysis Worksheets

Descriptive Analysis Worksheets are available for several CASL tests, enabling you to target specific skill areas within these categories for intervention.

These worksheets include a descriptive item analysis for the specified CASL tests, enabling clinicians to target more specifically the skill areas that may be problematic for an examinee. Information from the worksheets could be helpful in writing reports and IEPs. (Of course, other samples of language would be needed to confirm hypotheses concerning an examinee’s strengths and weaknesses.) On each worksheet a recording system is suggested. Users should feel free to devise their own.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader programs to download and then view the files. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at :

 Select One  PDF Download
Antonyms   PDF Download
Basic Concepts   PDF Download
Grammaticality Judgment   PDF Download
Grammatical Morphemes   PDF Download
Nonliteral Language   PDF Download
Sentence Completion   PDF Download
Sentence Comprehension   PDF Download
Synonyms   PDF Download
Syntax Construction   PDF Download


Test administration and scoring

Test Books: Three self-standing Test Books are tabbed for quick administration and easy reference. Key test administration principles are printed on the first few pages of each.

Two Record Forms: One for ages 3 through 6, the other for ages 7 through 21. Both forms provide space for a profile analysis, item responses, scores, and behavioral observations.

Manual: Complete details about CASL in this comprehensive volume.

Norms Book: Contains tables for converting raw scores to age-based standard scores, percentiles, stanines, NCEs, and test-age equivalents for CASL’s tests, indexes, and composites.

Testing Time: This varies with age band and the number of recommended core tests. Generally, the core battery takes about 30 minutes for children ages 3 through 5, and about 45 minutes for older individuals.

ASSIST™ scoring software

Developed by publishers, this powerful, flexible software application will:

  • quickly and automatically convert raw scores to standard scores
  • generate percentiles, stanines, NCEs, and test-age equivalents for CASL’s test, index, and composite scores
  • produce graphic representations of scores, as well as interpretation of statistical results
  • save you time and energy
  • Available for both Macintosh and Windows (only compatible up to Windows XP) on one CD-ROM!

We offer an online CASL ASSIST demonstration and a sample CASL ASSIST print-out in a PDF file format. The online demonstration will provide you with a brief snapshot of the CASL ASSIST in a Flash file format. The PDF download provides a complete sample report in a printable format.

System Requirements

Windows XP SP3
Macintosh OS 10.4**

**Note: Apple dropped support for Coco causing these programs to quit working from 10.5 forward.

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