Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH 17+)

Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH 17+)


Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting is a reliable, age-appropriate measure of handwriting speed for students.

Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting is a reliable, age-appropriate measure of handwriting speed for students.


Anna Barnett, Sheila E Henderson, Beverly Scheib, Joerg Schulz


A reliable, age-appropriate measure of handwriting speed for students aged 17-25 years

Age Range:

17:0 – 25:0


Paper and Pencil, Group or Individual

Administration Time:

30 Minutes

Publication Date:


This upward extension of the DASH (for ages 17 – 25) can identify students with slow handwriting and may assist in providing evidence for extra support. Information from the DASH 17+ also provides relevant information for intervention planning.

The DASH 17+ includes five subtests, each testing a different aspect of handwriting speed. The subtests examine fine motor and precision skills, the speed of producing well known symbolic material, the ability to alter sped of performance on two tasks with identical content and free writing competency.

Standardized subtest and composite scores are provided, based on data collected from a sample of 400 students across the UK in 2009.

Manual Scoring – Allows you to administer and score assessments by hand

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