Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD™)

Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD™)


The Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD) help to indicate whether a child or adolescent is experiencing or is at risk for an emotional or behavioral disorder.

The Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD) help to indicate whether a child or adolescent is experiencing or is at risk for an emotional or behavioral disorder.


Jack A. Naglieri, PhD, Paul A. LeBuffe, Steven I. Pfeiffer, PhD, ABPP


Identify behavioral or emotional problems in children and adolescents

Age Range:

5:0 - 18:0


15 minutes


Two: Child (5-12 years) and Adolescent (13-18 years)


More than 3,000 cases, separate by sex for both parent and teacher raters

Publication Date:


Indicate whether a child or adolescent is experiencing, or is at risk, for an emotional or behavioral disorder. The Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD™) are especially designed for treatment planning and outcome evaluation. The 111-item child form and the 110-item adolescent form cover a full range of psychopathology and are based on DSM-IV categories.

Versatile Assessment

The DSMD helps professionals evaluate behavior in a variety of settings, compare results to a large national sample, and analyze information for treatment planning and evaluation of treatment effectiveness.

Any adult who has known the child for four weeks may serve as a rater. The same form is used for parent and teacher raters, with separate norms provided for each.

Special features of the DSMD include:

  • Items reflecting the full range of psychopathology including Externalizing disorders (Conduct and Attention/Delinquency scales), Internalizing disorders (Anxiety and Depression scales), and Critical Pathology disorders (Autism and Acute Problems scales)
  • Consistently excellent composite scale reliabilities
  • Content validity based on DSM–IV and mapping of specific items to corresponding DSM–IV criteria
  • Factorially and logically derived scales reflecting major dimensions of psychopathology
  • Validity studies utilizing inpatient and outpatient clinical groups

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