Determine whether a young child is experiencing difficulty in areas known to be affected in dyslexia
Determine whether a young child is experiencing difficulty in areas known to be affected in dyslexia
Determine whether a young child is experiencing difficulty in areas known to be affected in dyslexia
Rod Nicolson and Angela Fawcett
Age Range:4 years 6 months to 6 years 5 months
Administration:Individual – 30 minutes
The Dyslexia Early Screening Test— Second Edition (DEST–2) battery contains screening tests of attainment and ability. It evaluates a range of skills and profiles strengths and weaknesses of the child. The findings will assist in developing the appropriate treatment plan.
I cannot ‘make a report’ or ‘save results’.
The program will only generate a report and graph if ALL subtest scores are entered. Where you have chosen not to administer a subtest, i.e. Postural Stability, enter the average score for the child’s age as given in the manual. This score will not affect the existing data.
Includes examiner’s manual, envelope 1 (containing subtest cards and sample permission letter), envelope 2 (containing score keys), forward digit span CD, sound order CD, corsi frog, beads, cord, blindfold, balance tester, scoring software with manual and 50 score sheets in a bag.
Rs. 13,440.00 + VAT + Shipping and Handling