Rod Nicolson, Angela Fawcett
Age Range:4:6 through 6:5 years
Completion Time:30 minutes
Norms:Based on UK population
Publication Date:2004
The Dyslexia Early Screening Test— Second Edition (DEST–2) battery contains screening tests of attainment and ability. It evaluates a range of skills and profiles strengths and weaknesses of the child. The findings will assist in developing the appropriate treatment plan.
- Includes an At Risk Score
- Offers a computerized scoring program
- Contains UK normative information
The DEST–2 consists of 12 subtests:
- Rapid naming
- Bead threading
- Phonological discrimination
- Postural stability
- Rhyme/Alliteration
- Forward digit span
- Digit naming
- Letter naming
- Sound order
- Shape copying
- Corsi frog
- Vocabulary