Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior (DST-J)

Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior (DST-J)


The Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior is designed for the early identification of students at risk for reading failure. The DST-J replaces the best selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice, with additional subtests, validation studies, and case histories. 

The Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior is designed for the early identification of students at risk for reading failure. The DST-J replaces the best selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice, with additional subtests, validation studies, and case histories. 


Rod Nicolson, Angela Fawcett

Age Range:

6:6–11:5 years

Completion Time:

30 minutes


Based on UK population

Publication Date:


The DST –J provides a profile of strengths and weaknesses which can be used to guide the development of in-school support for the student. The DST –J is designed for early identification of students who are at risk for reading failure, so that they can receive intervention earlier. The DST –J replaces the best selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice with their additional subtests, validation studies, and case histories.

New Subtests: DST –J

  • Rhyme: This subtest measures phonological ability. Studies have shown that rhyming is an important skill in learning to read.
  • Vocabulary: This subtest measures receptive vocabulary and reasoning ability in a multiple choice format. It provides additional information to help in developing the IEP.

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