Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior India Kit (DST-J India)

Dyslexia Screening Test-Junior India Kit (DST-J India)


Identify children in infant / junior school who are at risk of dyslexia.

Identify children in infant / junior school who are at risk of dyslexia.


Dr Angela Fawcett and Professor Rod Nicolson

Age Range:

6 years 6 months to 11 years 5 months


Individual – 30 minutes

DST-JINDIA is a powerful screener, developed for use with school children in India in order to identify those who are at the risk of dyslexia. The DST-J replaces the best-selling DST and reflects changes in theory and practice since the initial publication with additional subtests, validation studies and case histories.

The India norms will not only facilitate in providing a more precise measure of literacy skills but will provide increased opportunities to a greater number of children to be screened at an early age for the risk of Dyslexia.

The Dyslexia Screening Test series are scientific tests used globally in educational settings to help identify children with Dyslexia. Early identification of this condition will result in timely and effective intervention that will help the child cope with this learning disability better and prepare the child for better academic and professional outcomes.

Benefits of the DST-JINDIA:

  • Ensures early identification, essential for timely intervention and support
  • Can be administered by a wide range of professionals
  • Standardization sample collected from schools across India
  • Wide age range covered – 6 years 6 months to 11 years 5 months
  • Child Friendly
  • Guides the development of in-school support
  • Findings can facilitate referral for further in-depth evaluation
  • Used in conjunction with the Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales to comprehensively screen for learning difficulties
  • Offers a profile of child’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Norms for Indian Children offer accurate measure of literacy skills

The DST-JINDIA consists of the following subtests:

  • Rapid Naming
  • Bead Threading
  • One Minute Reading
  • Postural Stability
  • Phonemic Segmentation
  • Two Minute Spelling
  • Backwards Digit Span
  • Nonsense Passage Reading
  • One Minute Writing
  • Verbal Fluency
  • Rhyme NEW
  • Vocabulary NEW

The DST-JINDIA consists of twelve subtests which focus to evaluate accuracy and fluency in reading, writing, and spelling. These subtests also assess motor coordination, attention span, reasoning ability and vocabulary skill which are vital for attainment of literacy skills. These tasks appear to children as interesting since they involve identifying pictures, solving puzzles, and answering simple questions.

Launch of India Edition

Dr. Angela Fawcett, author Dyslexia Screening Test – Junior at the launch of the India Edition.


Download our general information brochure on DYSLEXIA

DST-JINDIA launched at the World Education Summit.


Download PDF

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a common disorder that affects about 80% of children identified with learning disabilities. It refers to a condition where children are unable to acquire skills related to reading, writing and spelling despite possessing the required intelligence and being exposed to a conventional classroom curriculum. A recent epidemiological study indicates the prevalence rate of dyslexia to be around 9.87% among Indian school children.


What are the common signs of dyslexia?

Some common signs of dyslexia include:

  • Difficulty in recognizing letters in alphabet
  • Difficulty in reading words
  • Reversals of letters (w/m, b/d) & words (saw/was)
  • Spelling out words
  • Difficulty in articulating sounds
  • Resistance to read in classroom
  • Written assignments are incomplete
  • Lack motivation in academics
How does dyslexia impact the child?

If dyslexia remains undetected, with each passing year, as academic demands increase, the dyslexic child’s limitations prevent him/her from successfully meeting academic expectations. The child feels burdened and helpless which often evokes feelings of anger or distress, resulting in low self-esteem, isolation from peers and doubts about his/her abilities.

Why screen a child for dyslexia?
  • A common developmental disorder with prevalence rates ranging from 5% – 10%
  • 80% of learning-disabled children have poor reading skills (dyslexia)
  • The second-most-common causes of illiteracy is learning disabilities
  • To prepare the child towards attaining better academic outcomes
  • Early identification & timely support are cost-effective
Why screen a child for dyslexia?

The DST-JINDIA is a unique screening test as it can be administered and interpreted by school teachers, special educators, school counselors and clinical psychologists. It enhances school’s ability to screen and identify children at risk for Dyslexia and facilitates to create an inclusive learning environment where all children are valued and supported according to their learning needs.

Complete Kit:

Includes examiner’s manual, envelope 1 (DST-JINDIA subtest cards, sample permission letter and acetates), envelope 2 (containing score keys), balance tester, blindfold, beads, cord, and 50 score sheets in a carry case.

ISBN 9789380862552

To know the final price of this product, click below to request a quote.

The DST-JINDIA consists of twelve subtests which focus to evaluate accuracy and fluency in reading, writing, and spelling. These subtests also assess motor coordination, attention span, reasoning ability and vocabulary skill which are vital for attainment of literacy skills. These tasks appear to children as interesting since they involve identifying pictures, solving puzzles, and answering simple questions.

Inside the session – Administration, scoring & interpretation

Key Learning – Identifying children at-risk for Learning Difficulties

Duration – 3 hours

Who can attend – Students of psychology, school professionals, counsellors, special educators, psychologists and allied mental health professionals

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