Kathleen T. Williams, PhD
Overview:A measure of expressive vocabulary and word retrieval for Standard American English
Age Range:2:6-90+ years
Scoring Option:Q-global™ Scoring & Reporting and Manual Scoring
RTI Tiers:RTI Levels 1, 2 and 3
Completion Time:10-20 Minutes
Scores/Interpretation:Age- and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), stanines, age and grade equivalents, and Growth Scale Value (GSV)
Telepractice:Tips on using this test in your telepractice
Publication Date:2007
New! Digital Stimulus Book – display visual stimuli on your desktop or laptop. Hotlinks and icons take you to the section of the test you want to administer. Order Now
The EVT-2 test builds on the strength of the EVT—and offers you powerful new features.
Brief and easy to administer, the EVT-2 assessment has been designed to coordinate with the PPVT™-4 (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition)test. Together, these tools give you an unbeatable system for comparing receptive and expressive vocabulary.
Ideal for progress monitoring
Unlike some other measures of vocabulary, the EVT-2 supplies two equivalent forms of the test which contain different vocabulary items—helping ensure the individual has not “learned” the test. One form can be used prior to intervention to assess individuals’ vocabulary knowledge and the alternative form can be used for re-testing to evaluate and document progress. EVT-2 also includes a unique Growth Scale Value (GSV) which is sensitive to small changes over time.
Uses & Applications
The EVT-2 test is individually administered and norm-referenced. It meets the needs of a wide variety of professionals to help:
- Quickly assess expressive vocabulary with a test that requires no reading or writing
- Evaluate English Language Learners’ (ELL) vocabulary acquisition as a flexible measure of
- their English word knowledge
- Make comparisons with receptive vocabulary to pinpoint a student’s strengths/weaknesses
- and identify potential word retrieval concerns
- Move immediately into evidence-based interventions using those embedded directly into and linked into the scoring and reporting software
- Assess oral expression as a foundation of writing skills
- Measure progress using one or both parallel forms
EVT-2 Sample Training Item
Features & Benefits
- Two parallel forms for easier progress monitoring
- Identical administration and scoring procedures to the EVT
- Broader and more mixed use of labeling and synonym item types
- Five levels of diagnostic analysis
- New Growth Scale Value (GSV) for measuring progress over time
- Newly designed, flexible carrying case
Psychometric Information
- Developed over a five-year period, the EVT-2 test was co-normed along with the PPVT-4 test with a national sample of individuals ranging in age from 2:6–90+.
- More than 5,500 individuals were tested; data from approximately 3,500 subjects were used for the normative scores. The remaining data contributed to the validation studies.
- The sample was tightly controlled and was matched to the U.S. Census on gender, race/ ethnicity, region, socioeconomic status (SES), and clinical diagnosis or special education placement.
- The EVT-2 test provides extremely reliable scores, with reliability coefficients in the .90s for almost every age or grade.
Digital Options Available
Q-global is Pearson’s web-based system for accessing digital resources for assessment, scoring, and reporting. EVT-2 has digital stimulus books and a digital manual available for purchase.
Scoring is purchased separately. You have the option to purchase an unlimited-use 1-, 3-, or 5- year scoring subscription or individual score reports. Quantity discounts are available.
Important note: Each scoring subscription is per user and will begin on the date the first subscription from the order is allocated to the user(s) in the Q-global account.
Soon after you place your order, you will receive an email informing you that your EVT-2 digital Manual, Stimulus Book, and/or scoring are available on the Q-global platform.
Other Pearson Clinical assessments available on Q-global include PPVT-4, CELF-5, CELF-5 Metalinguistics, GFTA-3, KLPA-3, and GFTA-3 Spanish. Learn more about Q-global pricing.
All-new scoring and reporting software offers fast, flexible, and accurate scoring and reporting. This tool features:
- New design and layout
- Ability to enter by item scores or by raw scores
- More individual and group-reporting options
- Easier data entry for unlimited students
- Embedded evidence-based interventions for individual, small group, or classroom use
Individual Reports
- Score Summary includes the individual’s current scores, a narrative report, a diagnostic analysis of item-level performance, and a separate Suggested Interventions Report.
- Diagnostic Analysis presents item-level performance classified by part of speech.
- Progress Report tracks repeat administrations and helps you monitor an individual’s improvement over time using the new Growth Scale Value (GSV).
- Receptive-Expressive Comparison Report compares the student’s receptive and expressive vocabulary when you are administering both the EVT™-2 and PPVT™-4 tests and analyzes item performance in multiple ways to enhance intervention.
- EVT-2 Individual Score Summary Report: Noah
- EVT-2 Individual Score Summary Report: Samantha
- EVT-2 Individual Progress Report: Samantha
- PPVT-4/EVT-2 Individual Receptive-Expressive Comparison Report: Noah
- PPVT-4/EVT-2 Individual Receptive-Expressive Comparison Report: Samantha
Scoring Options
Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and Reporting – Enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the Web.
Manual Scoring – Allows you to administer and score assessments by hand
Technical Report
EVT-2 Technical Specifications (9 page publication summary)
PPVT-4 EVT-2 Technical Summary (1 page psychometric highlights)
EVT-2 (Expressive Vocabulary Test, Second Edition) Overview
Learn about this measure of expressive vocabulary and word retreival by viewing this short presentation.
Want to learn more about how the EVT-2 is administered and actually try it out?
Qualified users can complete a complimentary case study through our partnership with SimuCase! Try Administering the EVT-2 for FREE with Promo Code PEARSON.

Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.
- Page 14 in the EVT-2 manual states, “If a multiple word response contains a correct one-word response, score it as correct, unless the complete response is inconsistent with the context provided by the stimulus question and picture.”
Would you simply mark it as correct and move on, despite it being more than one word, or would you mark it as correct and prompt for a 1 word response to try to elicit just a single word?
- How do I know which PPVT-4 and/or EVT-2 digital option is best for me?
- What are the pricing options for each digital solution?
- Can I save my report off Q-global?
- Does Q-interactive score and report?
- What if I would like to use PPVT-4 or EVT-2 via telepractice?
- Where can I go for security and compliance information?
- Can I “try before I buy?”
- Do I need to be online (wired or Wi-Fi) for the Q-global Resource Library tools?
- Can I share manuals and stimulus books on Q-global?
- What is the difference between the PPVT-4/EVT-2 ASSIST and scoring and reporting on Q-global?
- Can I prepay for a quantity of Q-global reports, digital stimulus books, or digital manuals with one purchase order (PO)?
- Are progress reports, group score summary reports, or PPVT-4/EVT-2 comparison reports still available? What is the pricing?
- What do I do if someone in our district or organization leaves and they have Q-global test administration data or digital stimulus books/manuals assigned to them?
- Does the Q-global On-screen Administration and Score Report require me to purchase the Q-global stimulus book?
- Do you have additional questions?
Two-Minute Talks with Dr. Kathleen Williams
- What is the point of including “synonym” items?
- How can a child score higher on EVT? Speaking is harder than listening.
- I tested an adult. He said the pictures were distracting on some items. Why are there pictures with every item.
- My examinee just kept talking and giving multiple answers. I didn’t know what to score or when to move on.
- Which test do I give first? PPVT or EVT? Does it matter?
- What is the GSV and how does it help me?