Gifted Rating Scales (GRS)

Gifted Rating Scales (GRS)


Designed to help identify children for placement in gifted and talented education programs.

Designed to help identify children for placement in gifted and talented education programs.


Steven Pfeiffer, PhD, ABPP, Tania Jarosewich, PhD


Designed to help identify children for placement in gifted and talented educational programs.

Age Range:

GRS-P: 4:0 - 6:11 years; GRS-S: 6:0 - 13:11 years



Scoring Option:

Q-global™ Scoring and Reporting, Manual Scoring

The Gifted Rating Scales are norm-referenced rating scales based on current theories of giftedness and federal and state guidelines regarding the definition of gifted and talented students. Pre-school and Kindergarten teachers complete the Pre-School/Kindergarten GRS-P form for children between the ages of 4:0 and 6:11 years. This form of GRS–P contains brief scales covering five domains: intellectual, academic readiness, motivation, creativity and artistic talent. Teachers complete six brief scales on the School-Age GRS–S form to evaluate children between the ages of 6:0 through 13:11 years who are in grades 1 – 8. The six domains include: intellectual, academic, motivation, creativity, leadership and artistic talent.

Features and Benefits

  • GRS–P (4:0-6:11) validity studies have been conducted linking it to the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™—Third Edition (WPPSI™–III) and measures of potential in other domains.
  • GRS–S (6:0-13:11) validity studies have been conducted linking it to the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children®—Third Edition (WISC®–III), and the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®—Second Edition (WIAT®–II) and measures in other domains.
  • Both forms of the GRS provides a standardized method for identifying children for gifted and talented programs based on teacher observations.
  • Both forms of the GRS allows for identification of relative strengths and specific areas of giftedness.
  • Both forms of the GRS provides specific behavioral guidelines for identification of giftedness within each domain.
  • Teachers can complete both forms of the GRS easily and quickly.

Scoring and/or Reporting Options

Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and Reporting – Enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the Web.

Online Training

Introducing the Gifted Rating Scales on Q-global, complimentary training on the Gifted Rating Scales and Q-global, assigning and administering the test, and running reports.

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