Kaufman Short Neuropsychological Assessment Procedure (K-SNAP)

Kaufman Short Neuropsychological Assessment Procedure (K-SNAP)


Kaufman Short Neuropsychological Assessment Procedure (K-SNAP) is a brief, individually administered measure of the cognitive functioning of adolescents and adults. K-SNAP can be used as short, cognitive evaluation or as part of a more comprehensive neuropsychological or intellectual assessment.

Kaufman Short Neuropsychological Assessment Procedure (K-SNAP) is a brief, individually administered measure of the cognitive functioning of adolescents and adults. K-SNAP can be used as short, cognitive evaluation or as part of a more comprehensive neuropsychological or intellectual assessment.


Alan S. Kaufman, Nadeen L. Kaufman


A brief, individually administered measure of the cognitive functioning of adolescents and adults.

Age Range:

11 through 85+


30 minutes


Yields three subtest scores and two composite scores, plus a descriptive category for Mental Status. The Gestalt Closure, Number Recall, Four-Letter Words subtests, as well as Recall/Closure Composite, yield scaled scores (M= 10, SD= 3), percentile ranks, and descriptive categories. K-SNAP Composite yields standard scores (M = 100, SD= 15), percentile ranks, and descriptive categories.

A quick, reliable survey of three levels of cognitive functioning!

This brief, individually administered measure assesses aspects of the mental functioning of adolescents and adults, ages 11 to over 85 years. Included are four subtests, organized in three levels of cognitive complexity:

  • Attention-orientation (Mental Status)
  • Simple memory and perceptual skills (Number Recall and Gestalt Closure)
  • Complex intellectual functioning and planning ability (Four-Letter Words)

Performance can be interpreted using age-based normative scores. Or, an 8-point Impairment Index can be used to identify examinees who are likely to need further diagnostic testing.

Answers a variety of needs.

K-SNAP is perfect for those times when you need a short, cognitive evaluation. Or, use it as part of a more comprehensive neuropsychological and/or intellectual assessment. It’s also ideal as a step in the routine admission process for those being evaluated at any medical, psychological, or correctional facility.

Constructed in the same tradition as KAIT, K-BIT, and K-FAST.

K-SNAP was developed with the KAIT, K-BIT, and K-FAST, and normed on a representative standardization sample of 2,000 people. All items were checked for cultural bias. In addition, several studies support K-SNAP’s reliability and validity, using both normal and clinical samples (including neurologically impaired and Alzheimer’s). This assessment procedure can be administered in about 30 minutes by a range of personnel, although score interpretation should be made by appropriately trained professionals.

For a wide range of ability levels.

The K-SNAP provides standard scores across a wide range of ability levels, including enough easy items to reliably evaluate people with moderate to severe mental retardation or dementia. The K-SNAP’s wide age range means examiners can test a person more than once and compare results.

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