Alan S. Kaufman, PhD, Nadeen L. Kaufman, PhD
Individually administered battery that provides in-depth assessment of key academic skills
Age Range:
Scoring Option:
Manual Scoring
RTI Tiers::
RTI Levels 2 and 3
Completion Time:
Pre-K: 30 minutes; Grades 1-2: 50 minutes; Grades 3 : 80 minutes
Age- and grade-based standard scores (M=100, SD=15), age and grade equivalents, percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), stanines, and Growth Scale Values (GSV)
Publication Date:
The KTEA-3 is now available. Click here for more information.
- Covers areas mandated by IDEA and Reading First
- Enhanced error analysis for better remediation
- Alternate forms measure progress or response to intervention
- Easy to administer, with novel tasks to motivate low-functioning students
- Comprehensive and Brief Forms meet your in-depth or quick assessment needs
A total solution for pinpointing and remediating achievement gaps
The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Second Edition (KTEA™-II) Comprehensive Form gives you state-of-the-art error analysis along with detailed prescriptive information for simple remediation planning. The KTEA-II is still easy to administer, score, and interpret. Redesigned and expanded, it covers all IDEA, Reading First, and NCTM achievement areas to ensure a comprehensive, research-based assessment. This outstanding instrument also features alternate forms to help you measure student progress or response to intervention and to adjust instruction based on performance.
Use the KTEA-II Comprehensive Form for in-depth analysis
The Comprehensive Form provides composite scores for Grade 1 students and older in reading, math, written language, and oral language. A Comprehensive Achievement Composite can be computed for all examinees. Six additional subtests assess reading-related skills and give valuable diagnostic information.

The Comprehensive Form provides a wealth of benefits
- Covers all achievement areas mandated by IDEA
- The popular error analysis procedures from the original K-TEA have been enhanced to offer additional in-depth information about a student’s performance
- Expanded age range (4-6 to 25 years) for a thorough assessment of preschoolers to adults
- Alternate forms to measure progress and response to intervention
- Written Expression and Oral Expression subtests use engaging stories or situations
- Enhanced reading subtests to measure skills from readiness through advanced levels
- Useful comparisons between reading and listening, and writing and speaking
- Content coverage in math enhanced with the addition of algebra and early numeracy items
- Conormed with the KABC™-II to give you an in-depth comparison of a student’s abilities and school performance.
KTEA-II scoring gives you more options
For maximum flexibility, the KTEA-II Comprehensive Form lets you select between computer and hand-scoring. With the ASSIST™ computer scoring program, you can quickly convert raw scores to derived scores. This timesaving software contains both Macintosh and Windows programs on one CD-ROM. It also provides:
- A summary of student performance by composite or subtest
- Comparisons of skill areas or subtests for easy interpretation of results
- Achievement/ability comparisons
- Error analysis for all standard subtests
- Best practices instructional suggestions for designing IEP goals that match students’ score information with remediation strategies
- Lists of math problems or reading or spelling words similar to those that were difficult for the student
Use the KTEA-II Brief Form for a quick measure of achievement
Indispensable for school and clinical psychologists, special education teachers, and others, this short measure of achievement is ideal for screening and pre-referral. It features an expanded age range of 4-6 to 90 and yields norm-referenced subtest scores and a battery composite. And because there is no content overlap with KTEA-II Comprehensive Form, it can be used for retesting.
The KTEA-II Brief Form includes three subtests:
- Reading—word recognition and reading comprehension
- Math—computation and application problems
- Written Expression—written language and spelling
Conormed with KBIT-2
When you need a brief ability test, choose the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition (KBIT-2). It is conormed with KTEA-II Brief for ages 26 through 90.
Downloadable KTEA-II Information
This file contains instructions for making corrections to the Error Analysis sections of four KTEA-II Comprehensive Form subtests on the Form B Record Form. Please download and use this file when doing error analysis.
Contact your Measurement Consultant to see how ability and achievement testing can help ensure students get the right placement, intervention, and support in an RTI environment.