Austin J. Connolly, EdD
A comprehensive math intervention program
Age Range:
Grade: Students who are developing math concepts and skills typically introduced in grades K-5/6
Two levels of instruction: Level 1 (K-grade 2) and Level II (grades3-5/6)
RTI Tiers:
RTI Levels 1, 2 and 3
Math teachers, Special Education teachers, math coaches, resource room staff, paraprofessionals
Completion Time:
Each lesson designed for a 30-40 minute class period
Publication Date:
Read about the companion KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment.
KeyMath™-3 Essential Resources (KeyMath-3 ER) offers a comprehensive math intervention program containing hundreds of lessons, student practice sheets, and brief tests. As a companion to the KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment (KeyMath-3 DA), KeyMath-3 ER gives educators ready access to effective and engaging intervention materials tailored to the individual’s learning needs. Through the KeyMath-3 DA ASSIST™ software, test results link directly to KeyMath-3 ER lessons and practice materials, which can be easily accessed with a click of the mouse!
Recommended Uses
KeyMath-3 ER can be used effectively in a variety of settings and with different student populations. The program’s comprehensive scope enables you to use it over an extended period of time as a supplement to regular classroom instruction. Alternatively, teachers can select lessons on particular topics to provide targeted intervention for individual students or small groups. Students who will benefit from the program include at-risk students, those performing below grade level, and those struggling with specific concepts.
This flexible program provides:
- Coverage of three content areas: foundational math concepts, operational skills, problem solving
- Ten instructional strands: Numeration, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis and Probability, Mental Computation and Estimation, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Foundations of Problem Solving, Applied Problem Solving
- Large-format instructional easels that include nearly 900 pages of colorful Lesson Displays
- More than 350 lessons accompanied by 1,200 Guided Practice and Independent Practice sheets
- Supplementary materials, including a spinner, number tiles, hundreds chart, and grid paper to ease lesson preparation and enhance instruction
- Progress-monitoring tools:
- Readiness tests to assess students’ preparedness for each unit
- Review and Mastery tests to evaluate student learning
- Alternative Assessments for one-on-one administration with students who may have difficulty completing the paper/pencil Review and Mastery tests independently
- Student Progress Report to record test scores for all completed units
Benefits for You and Those You Serve
- Clear, well organized lessons featuring easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions
- Effective modeling of new concepts and skills
- Hands-on exploration of new concepts through the use of common manipulatives
- Scripted explanation of key terms, ensuring accurate presentation of important math concepts
- Frequent use of open-ended questions to engage students in critical thinking
- Problem-solving activities that challenge students to explain their thought processes
- Lessons adaptable for large group, small group, or one-on-one use
- Direct link from KeyMath-3 DA results
- Multiple tools for assessing the effectiveness of instruction
- Easy-to-use CD containing practice sheets, tests, lesson displays, and supplementary materials
- Alignment with all tiers of the RTI framework
Administration Materials
- Manual
- 4 Instructional Easels (2 per level)
- Half-page opaque and full-page transparent easel clip-in
- CD for each level, containing several hundred optionally selected masters for guided and independent practice. The disc also contains unit-level assessment materials for monitoring the progress of each student.
Watch a video of KeyMath–3 DA and KeyMath–3 ER in action!
Pre-recorded Webinars
KeyMath-3 Essential Resources and RTI
Presenter: Maggie Kjer, PhD
Learn about how the KeyMath-3 Essential Resources works and how to use it within your RTI model. This webinar will cover in detail the link between the KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment and the KeyMath-3 Essential Resources. See how simple it is to go from assessment results to an intervention plan all with the click of a mouse.
Date: Sep 13, 2010

Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.
KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment
I’ve been using the KeyMath Revised/NU for years. Why should I upgrade to the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment?
Is the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment aligned with my state standards?
How can the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment be used to monitor progress for students struggling in math?
How does the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment fit into the new response to intervention (RTI) model?
Isn’t the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment for special-education students?
How often can I administer the assessment to a student?
Can I administer individual subtests?
Can I administer individual areas?
Why is the administration time so long?
How was the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment normed?
Can I obtain samples of the assessment items?
Is the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment aligned with NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, published in 2000?
Does the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment include a screener?
Why does the Diagnostic Assessment specify content through Grade 9? Why that grade and not another?
KeyMath 3 ASSIST Scoring and Reporting Software
When will the KeyMath 3 ASSIST Scoring and Reporting Software be available?
Why do I need the ASSIST software? I’ve always used the hand-scoring method, and that has worked fine.
What other types of information and reports are available with the KeyMath 3 ASSIST Scoring and Reporting Software?
Does the KeyMath 3 ASSIST software include Growth Scale Values (GSVs)?
Can I cut and paste text from the ASSIST Narrative Report into a Microsoft Word document?
Do I have to enter in each item into the ASSIST software to get the reports, or can I just enter in the raw scores?
Can I track multiple students with ASSIST reports?
KeyMath 3 Essential Resources
The old KeyMath Teach and Practice (TAP) includes hundreds of worksheets. It seems like there are fewer materials in the new KeyMath 3 Essential Resources program. Why is that?
Is the KeyMath 3 Essential Resources program only for instruction with one student or can I teach more than one student at a time?
What is the difference between guided practice and independent practice?
What is the difference between readiness tests, posttests, and mastery tests?
Does the KeyMath 3 Essential Resources program include manipulatives?
I’m not buying the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment. Can I still use the KeyMath3 Essential Resources program?
Is the old KeyMath Teach and Practice (TAP) compatible with the KeyMath 3 Diagnostic Assessment?
Can I use the Keymath 3 Essential Resources program with my current KeyMath Revised/NU?