Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Third Edition (KLPA-3)

Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Third Edition (KLPA-3)


Linda M.L. Khan, MS, CCC-SLP, Nancy P. Lewis, MS, CCC-SLP

Age Range:

2:0 - 21:11

RTI Tiers:

RTI Levels 2 and 3

Completion Time:

10-30 minutes


0 Developmental Phonological Processes yield standard scores, percentiles, test-age equivalents, and percent-of-occurrence for individual processes by age.

Publication Date:


Comprehensive diagnosis

The new Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis (KLPA-3) will work with Goldman-Fristoe 3 to provide you with information that will enable you to determine if use of phonological processes are contributing to the individual’s speech sound disorder.

Features and Benefits

  • No need to conduct a second test administration—use the individual’s Goldman-Fristoe 3 responses to evaluate phonological processes
  • Updated normative information  means you can make informed therapy decisions based on the most current research.
  • Wide age range: 2:0 through 21:11
  • Automated digital scoring and analysis
  • Provides guidelines for remediation planning
  • Easy to read Sound Change Booklet gives you information at a glance

Fast, efficient—and accurate!

Administer Goldman-Fristoe 3 to get a detailed measure of articulation ability. There are two ways to obtain KLPA-3 scores with the press of a button!

  • If administering GFTA-3 on Q-interactive (Pearson’s digital assessment system using two iPads for test administration and scoring), you can purchase a KLPA-3 score report. The KLPA-3 scores and report can be obtained automatically as soon as you complete the GFTA-3 administration.
  • Purchase a GFTA-3/KLPA-3 combined score report on Q-global, Pearson’s web-based administration and scoring system accessible through any computer or tablet. When you enter GFTA-3 scores on Q-global, obtain a KLPA-3 analysis with the press of a button.
  • You still have the option of hand-scoring the KLPA-3  Simply transfer the responses to the KLPA-3 Analysis Form. Next, use the Sound Change Booklet to identify the phonological processes that were used. Easy to read and color-coded, the booklet gives you diagnostic phonological information at a glance. And KLPA-3scoring takes only 10-30 minutes, compared with up to two hours for similar analyses.

The report enables you to record remediation goals and objectives for many common phonological processes such as Initial Voicing and Liquid Simplification.

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Using Digital Assessments to Evaluate Speech and Language Skills

    Presenter: James Henke and Jarett Lehner

    Many of today’s students are “digital natives” who are attentive and engaged with presented with digital input. Digital assessments can provide streamlined test administration that is engaging for examinees, while automated scoring and reporting improves examiner efficiency and provides accurate test scores. This session will introduce clinicians to digital assessments available, compare assessment formats on Q-interactive and Q-global and provide an overview of the research supporting the equivalence of test results whether the test is delivered on paper or in a digital format.

    Date: Nov 02, 2017

    pdf PDF: Using Digital Assessments to Evaluate Speech and Language Skills

    link Video: Using Digital Assessments to Evaluate Speech and Language Skills

  • Phonological Processes and Beyond — Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-3

    Presenter: Linda M. L. Khan, MS, CCC-SLP

    The Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis – 3 is a companion analysis for the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation – 3. These continue to be the most widely used assessments for evaluating articulation and phonological processes. The KLPA-3 provides an in-depth phonological process analysis for individuals of any age with speech sound disorders and should be used as well for children between the ages of 2 and 5 who are still developing their speech sound systems. This course will provide information on phonological analysis for two case studies: one preschooler and one school-age child. The KLPA-3 will be scored step-by-step and then analyzed/summarized for both children. The results will be used to develop appropriate target processes with examples of target phonemes/words for each phonological process. The discussion will include information on the newest time-saving option:digital scoring.

    Date: Mar 16, 2016

    pdf PDF: Phonological Processes and Beyond — Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-3

    link Video: Phonological Processes and Beyond — Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-3

  • Overview of the Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis (KLPA-3)

    Presenter: Nancy Lewis, MS

    This webinar will provide a review of features of the new KLPA-3 analysis, scoring changes (including new digital scoring), and psychometric characteristics of the KLPA-3. Discussion will include clinical and developmental considerations when interpreting KLPA-3 results.

    Date: Aug 19, 2015

    link Video: Overview of the Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis (KLPA-3)

Benefits of KLPA-3 on Q-interactive

  • Create a custom battery by combining the GFTA-3/KLPA-3 with other tests such as the CELF-5 and PPVT-4.
  • Purchase a KLPA-3 score report from any GFTA-3 administration with the tap of a button. Immediate, accurate phonological analysis every time!


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