Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender-Gestalt Test – Second Edition (KOPPITZ-2)

Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender-Gestalt Test – Second Edition (KOPPITZ-2)


The KOPPITZ-2, a revision of Dr Elizabeth Koppitz’ Bender-Gestalt test scoring system, is true to Koppitz’ original conceptualization but has been redeveloped to meet current psychometric standards.

The KOPPITZ-2, a revision of Dr Elizabeth Koppitz’ Bender-Gestalt test scoring system, is true to Koppitz’ original conceptualization but has been redeveloped to meet current psychometric standards.


Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD

New norms. Updated scoring.

The KOPPITZ-2, a revision of Dr. Elizabeth Koppitz’ Bender-Gestalt test scoring system, is true to Koppitz’ original conceptualization but has been redeveloped to meet current psychometric standards. The age range has been expanded to allow the evaluation of special education students through age 21 and to assist in the evaluation of the visual-motor integration deficits of the growing population of seniors. For older children and adults, both two- and three-dimensional drawings that reveal subtle deficits in motor-visual integration processes are now required.

In addition, a special chapter of the manual is devoted to the Koppitz Emotional Endicators (EIs) and their proper use.

Key Features

  • Provides separate scoring for young children (ages 5-7 years) and older children and adults (ages 8 to 85 years+).
  • Demonstrates hight reliability across age, gender, and ethnicity – with reliability coefficients in the manual for multiple subgroups, including individuals with various disorders.
  • Presents standard scores and percentile ranks, along with specialized scores and age equivalents, to meet the needs of all practitioners.

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