Millon® Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD®)

Millon® Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD®)


Assessment of psychosocial factors that may support or interfere with a chronically ill patient’s course of medical treatment.

Assessment of psychosocial factors that may support or interfere with a chronically ill patient’s course of medical treatment.


Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc, Michael Antoni, PhD, Carrie Millon, PhD, Sarah Minor, PhD, Seth Grossman, PsyD


Assessment of psychosocial factors that may support or interfere with a chronically ill patient's course of medical treatment

Age Range:

18 - 85


Paper-and-pencil, CD or computer administration

Scoring Option:

Q-global™ web based, Q Local™ Software, Manual Scoring, or Mail-in Scoring

Reading Level:

6th Grade

Completion Time:

20–25 minutes (165 true/false items)


General medical norms based on 700 patients with a wide variety of medical conditions, Bariatric-specific norms based on more than 700 bariatric surgery candidates nationwide, and the Pain Patient norms are based on 1200 patients in the United Stated being treated for issues involving chronic pain.

Report Options:

Interpretive (with Healthcare Provider Summary), and Profile Reports

Publication Date:


A World of Information with One Test

The MBMD assessment helps provide a broader understanding of the personal reality that each patient faces. By helping identify psychosocial assets and liabilities that may affect an individual’s response to treatment, the MBMD test enables clinicians to develop tailored treatment recommendations.

Brief yet comprehensive, the MBMD inventory helps gather a range of information that it might otherwise require a battery of instruments to obtain. With three norm groups, one that includes a comprehensive sample of patients with chronic medical conditions, one specific to bariatric surgery candidates, and one specific to patients with chronic pain, this contemporary test can help increase the likelihood of positive treatment outcomes and may thereby reduce the overall costs of care.


How to Use This Test

Psychologists, physicians, nurses and other professionals use the MBMD results to help:

  • Identify patients who may have significant psychiatric problems and recommend specific interventions
  • Pinpoint personal and social assets that may facilitate adjustment to physical limitations or lifestyle changes
  • Determine whether patients need more communication and support in order to comply with prescribed medical regimens
  • Structure post-treatment plans and self-care responsibilities in the context of the patient’s social network

Key Features

  • NEW! The MBMD’s recently added chronic pain norms and Pain Patient Reports can assist with pre-treatment psychosocial evaluations to help professionals select suitable therapies, general and expanded behavioral health evaluations to help determine the most appropriate intervention,and monitoring of treatment interventions and outcomes.
  • The MBMD’s bariatric norms can help determine a candidate’s psychological suitability for surgery, assist patients in making significant lifestyle changes, and prepare medical staff to respond to patients’ likely reactions following surgery.
  • The MBMD’s general medical normative sample permits the test’s use to be extended into a variety of settings including sleep disorder centers, cancer treatment centers, cardiac rehabilitation programs, neurological rehabilitation units, military and veterans’ hospitals, primary care facilities and family medicine clinics.
  • The Interpretive Reports include Healthcare Provider summaries written in language medical professionals can readily understand, helping to facilitate communication between the psychologist and medical staff.
  • The test’s 165 items require only 20–25 minutes to complete, helping to reduce patient resistance and fatigue.
  • By enabling more effective treatment planning, the MBMD test may help decrease healthcare costs in clinics and hospitals through reduced assessment time, more efficient triage and decreased complications after major procedures.


Response Patterns
X – Disclosure
Y – Desirability
Z – Debasement

Negative Health Habits

Psychiatric Indicators
AA – Anxiety-Tension
BB – Depression
CC – Cognitive Dysfunction
DD – Emotional Lability
EE – Guardedness

Coping Styles
1 – Introversion
2A – Inhibited
2B – Dejected
3 – Cooperative
4 – Sociable
5 – Confident
6A – Nonconforming
6B – Forceful
7 – Respectful
8A – Oppositional
8B – Denigrated

Stress Moderators
A – Illness Apprehension
B – Functional Deficits
C – Pain Sensitivity
D – Social Isolation
E – Future Pessimism
F – Spiritual Absence

Treatment Prognostics
G – Interventional Fragility
H – Mediation Abuse
I – Information Discomfort
J – Utilization Excess
K – Problematic Compliance

Management Guide
L – Adjustment Difficulties
M – Psych Referral

Test Components

  • Response Patterns
    Help gauge distorted response tendencies in the patient’s self-report
  • Negative Health Habits
    Help gauge recent or current problematic behaviors affecting health, such as Alcohol, Drug, Eating, Caffeine, Inactivity, and Smoking
  • Psychiatric Indications
    Help identify psychiatric comorbidities that may affect health management such as Anxiety-Tension, Depression, Cognitive Dysfunction, Emotional Lability, and Guardedness
  • Coping Styles
    Help identify patients’ approaches to handling everyday problems, as well as their medical condition and major life stressors
  • Stress Moderators
    Help identify attitudes and resources that may affect health care such as Illness Apprehension, Social Isolation, Future Pessimism, Pain Sensitivity and Spiritual Absence.

Psychometric Information

The MBMD test now provides a choice of three normative samples. The general medical norms include a sample of more than 700 patients with a wide variety of medical conditions, including obesity, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, chronic pain, heart problems, neurological disorders, gastrointestinal complaints, gynecological problems, injuries and organ transplants.

The bariatric norms are based on data collected from 711 prescreened bariatric surgery patients ages 19-68 from across the United States, including 585 females and 126 males with BMIs ranging from 31 to 84.

The normative sample for the pain patient reports comprises 1,200 patients in the United States who are being treated for issues involving chronic pain. Norm referenced scores compare the patient to both a general medical norm sample and a chronic pain norm sample.


Both internal consistency and test-retest analyses were used to estimate the reliability of the MBMD scales. Using the entire sample, the following internal consistency coefficients were obtained: Psychiatric Indications (rtt = .76 to .89); Coping Styles (rtt = .54 to .85); Stress Moderators (rtt = .85 to .89); Treatment Prognostics (rtt = .47 to .80); and Management Guide (rtt = .77 to .79). The median internal consistency coefficient for all scales is rtt = .79.

Using a smaller sample (N = 41), test-retest reliability estimates were also obtained: Psychiatric Indications (rtt = .79 to .88); Coping Styles (rtt = .71 to .90); Stress Moderators (rtt = .78 to .92); Treatment Prognostics (rtt = .72 to .88); and Management Guide (rtt = .78 to .81). The median test-retest coefficient for all scales is rtt = .83.


Several approaches were used to validate the scales included on the MBMD assessment. First, an item sorting procedure was used that required several medical professionals to place the items into the scales for which they were initially written. Only items that were sorted correctly by the majority of the raters were retained on the test for further analysis.

Second, after the MBMD scales had been refined based on internal consistency considerations, scale scores were correlated with a variety of other measures that assessed similar content domains to each of the scales. For example, the MBMD Depression scale correlated at .87 with the BDI, and .58 with the BSI Depression scale. The MBMD Spiritual Absence scale correlated at .85 with the Systems of Belief Inventory (a frequently employed measure of spiritual beliefs).

Report Options

Profile Report 
Provides a graphic representation of the prevalence scores for all the content scales, plus a rating for the likelihood of a problem with the Response Patterns and Negative Health Habits.

View a sample MBMD Profile Report

General Medical Interpretive Report
Provides a detailed narrative analysis of the patient’s reported strengths and weaknesses, a graphic representation of results and a convenient one-page Healthcare Provider Summary. The report also includes syntheses across scale domains, which integrate the results of the separate scales – in much the same way a clinician would integrate the results of several different tests or laboratory reports.

The Healthcare Provider Summary is a one-page report that provides healthcare professionals with a useful and concise summary of the patient’s potential assets and weaknesses, and can be reviewed in a manner similar to that of medical lab reports.

View a sample MBMD General Medical Interpretive Report

Bariatric Interpretive Report
Provides a detailed narrative analysis of the patient’s reported strengths and weaknesses. One-page Bariatric Summary categorizes the patient’s information, normed on more than 700 bariatric surgical patients, and provides probabilistic judgments in areas of presurgical intervention, patient behavior, postsurgical outlook, and postsurgical care. The report also includes a graphic representation of results and a narrative syntheses across scale domains, integrating results of individual scales.

View a sample MBMD Bariatric Interpretive Report

Pain Patient Interpretive Report
Provides a detailed narrative analysis of the patient’s reported strengths and weaknesses. The Interpretive Report includes tailored considerations for clinicians working with pain patients to help serve as a guide in making prudent judgments. A three-page section in the report can be customized for either presurgical or nonsurgical populations, normed on 1,200 patients in the United States being treated for issues involving chronic pain.

View a sample MBMD Pain Patient Nonsurgical Interpretive Report

View a sample MBMD Pain Patient Pre-Surgical Interpretive Report

Scoring and/or Reporting Options

Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and Reporting – Enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the Web.

Q Local™ Scoring and Reporting Desktop Software – Enables you to score assessments, report results, and store and export data on your computer.

Mail-in Scoring Service – Specially designed answer sheets are mailed to Pearson for processing within 24–48 hours of receipt; results returned via regular mail.

Fax-in Scoring Service – A Fax-in form is completed and included with your fax-in answer sheets. Pearson processes these within 24 hours of receipt; results returned via fax.

Upcoming Webinars

  • Using the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) in Bariatric Surgery

    Presenter: Michael H. Antoni, PhD

    Obesity affects about 78 million Americans, and about 24 million have morbid or severe obesity, placing them at major health risk. Bariatric surgery can enable patients to achieve significant weight loss as well as improvement in obesity-related conditions such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and sleep apnea. However, the effectiveness of bariatric surgery depends on many patient factors including demographic variables, co-morbid conditions (e.g, affective and psychiatric disorders), health behaviors, cognitive appraisals, coping strategies, and available resources.

    The Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) helps assess psychosocial factors that may support or interfere with a patient’s course of medical treatment. This webinar will describe how the MBMD was developed and how its’ specialized Bariatric Report can be used as part of a comprehensive evaluation to identify patient assets and liabilities to tailor a treatment plan that will optimize post-operative outcomes.

    Date: May 22, 2018  Time: 12:00 PM EDT  Register Now

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Overview of the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD)

    Presenter: Michael H. Antoni, PhD

    The Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD) helps assess psychosocial factors that may support or interfere with a chronically ill patient’s course of medical treatment. It offers population-specific reports for general medical patients, pain patients, and bariatric patients. Composed of only 165 true/false items and featuring 38 clinically relevant scales, the MBMD helps increase the likelihood of positive treatment outcomes and thereby helps reduce overall cost of patient care.

    This webinar will provide an introduction to the MBMD and describe the underlying theory, administration and interpretation of the inventory. It will also illustrate how the MBMD can be used as part of a comprehensive evaluation to identify patients who may have significant psychiatric problems, and construct treatment plans tailored to their individual needs.

    Date: Jul 25, 2017

    pdf PDF: Overview of the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD)

    link Video: Overview of the Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD)

  • MBMD Pain Patient Reports Webinar

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow, PhD and Deborah Kukal, PhD

    The MBMD (Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic) inventory is designed to provide the critical psychological information doctors need to treat the whole patient. This webinar covers the following topics:

    • Psychological assessment with the MBMD.
    • Introduction of new norm group for pain population.
    • Description of customized Pain Patient Interpretive Reports.

    Date: Oct 20, 2011

    pdf PDF: Sample Presurgical Pain Patient Report

    pdf PDF: MBMD Pain Patient Reports Webinar Handout

    swf Video: MBMD Pain Patient Reports Webinar Recording


Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.

Test Content

  • What is the MBMD test designed to do?

  • What is the norm group for the MBMD test?

  • How is the MBMD test different from the MBHI test?

  • How is the MBMD test different from the BHI™ 2 test?

  • How does the MBMD test differ from other medically based psychosocial tests?

  • How reliable is the MBMD test?

  • What is the validity of the MBMD test?


  • When is it appropriate to use the MBMD test?

  • How long does it take to administer the MBMD test?


  • What are the differences between the MBMD General Medical Interpretive Report, the MBMD Bariatric Interpretive Report, and the MBMD Pain Patient Interpretive Report?

  • Is the MBMD Patient Pain Report based on empirical data?


  • Why does my interpretive report look so different when I send it to a WordPerfect file?

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