Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Corrections Report (MCMI®-III Corrections Report)

Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Corrections Report (MCMI®-III Corrections Report)


Uniquely based on corrections norms, Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Corrections Report (MCMI®-III Corrections Report) helps psychologists and corrections professionals make accurate security, management, and treatment decisions faster.

Uniquely based on corrections norms, Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Corrections Report (MCMI®-III Corrections Report) helps psychologists and corrections professionals make accurate security, management, and treatment decisions faster.


Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc, Carrie Millon, PhD, Roger Davis, PhD


An incisive assessment of offenders' character disorders that can lead to quicker, better, and more cost-effective decision-making.

Age Range:

18 and older


Paper-and-pencil, CD, computer or online administration

Scoring Option:

Q-global™ web-based, Q Local™ Software, Manual Scoring, or Mail-in Scoring

Reading Level:

8th Grade

Completion Time:

25-30 minutes(175 true/false items)


Adult inmate correctional sample

Scoring Options:

Q-global™ web-based, Q Local™ Software, Manual Scoring, or Mail-in Scoring

Report Options:

Interpretive Report

Publication Date:


Uniquely based on corrections norms, the MCMI-III Corrections Report presents targeted information to help psychologists and corrections professionals make security, management, and treatment decisions faster and more accurately. In addition to providing all of the clinical information to which MCMI-III test users are accustomed, the Corrections Report is distinguished by the inclusion of a one-page Correctional Summary of likely needs and behaviors relevant to correctional settings.

Now, this highly useful summary has been further strengthened by the addition of empirically based statements that classify an offender’s probable need as High, Medium, or Low in three critical areas:

  • Mental health intervention
  • Substance abuse treatment, and
  • Anger management services.

Developed through a recent study that involved more than 10,000 offenders, these statements are designed to help inform staff of likely offender behaviors to help support crucial programming and placement decisions.

In addition, the summary provides clinically based statements on six issues of most concern in corrections settings:

  • Reaction to Authority
  • Escape Risk
  • Disposition to Malinger
  • Response to Crowding / Isolation
  • Amenability to Treatment / Rehabilitation, and
  • Suicidal Tendencies

Backed by Dr. Millon’s APA award-winning theory of personality as well as continued validation of clinical factors, the MCMI-III Corrections Report helps enable effective decision-making throughout the incarceration process.

How to Use the Report

With the addition of the new predictive statements, the Corrections Report provides even greater support to help mental health staff, clinicians, social workers, case managers, security personnel, and line staff workers:

  • Classify offenders at intake
  • Interpret all intake information, including other assessments, social history, and criminal background
  • Create a baseline measure against which an offender’s adjustment during incarceration can be tracked
  • Alert personnel to potential issues to help them determine how to best manage offenders’ behaviors
  • Evaluate offenders for mental health concerns during the course of their incarceration
  • Determine appropriateness of educational programs
  • Evaluate offenders at change in status
  • Assess offenders for their readiness to be released

Key Features

  • The predictive strength of the new empirically based statements can help correctional personnel more accurately anticipate management, staffing, and budgetary needs by helping to identify those offenders who may require higher levels of mental health, substance abuse, and anger management services, and those individuals who may not benefit from these programs.
  • The brief MCMI-III test is especially well-suited for correctional settings and can easily be administered by appropriately trained personnel.
  • The MCMI-III test can be taken in English or Spanish in the traditional pencil-and-paper format or by audiocassette recording.

Time- and Cost-Efficient Administration

  • The MCMI-III test has 175 questions that take approximately 25 minutes to complete, making it efficient to administer in settings where time, space, and privacy are limited.
  • The English version can also be administered on-line using Q Local™ software, enabling you to receive a report within minutes.
  • Administration can be readily and routinely handled by properly trained personnel in prison settings, helping to make more efficient use of psychologists’ time.

Millon’s Perspective on Corrections

The primary need for all corrections facilities is to adequately manage the individuals assigned to them. In short, corrections officials must maintain control over the facility while preventing injury to the public, staff and other inmates. Through interviews and assessment, corrections psychologists provide insight into inmates’ behaviors and attitudes and how these factors may affect safety, security and service levels.

The MCMI-III test has been used for this purpose for many years, but Dr. Millon believed the report could be tailored to more specifically target prison-related issues. As a result, 48 correctional psychologists from several state prison systems were consulted and asked to estimate the frequency of 11 characterologic styles found among the inmates with whom they worked. In addition, this group was asked to suggest content areas and report features that could maximize their use of the MCMI-III tests.

Already extensively validated in clinical studies, the MCMI-III test has been further refined by extensive studies of 1,676 male and female inmates. Base rate cutting scores were also refined to best match this correctional population.

As correctional facilities increase their use of the MCMI-III Corrections Report, more empirical support will be available to continue the validation of these correctional scales.

Sample Reports

Scoring and/or Reporting Options

Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and Reporting – Enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the Web.

Q Local™ Scoring and Reporting Desktop Software – Enables you to score assessments, report results, and store and export data on your computer.

Mail-in Scoring Service – Specially designed answer sheets are mailed to Pearson for processing within 24–48 hours of receipt; results returned via regular mail.

Getting Started with the Q-global Training Series

View these brief training modules about Q-global:


Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.

  • What is the difference between the MCMI-III Interpretive Report and the MCMI-III Corrections Report?

  • Is the MCMI-III Corrections Report based on empirical data?

  • With the high rate of incarceration for blacks and Hispanics, what is the cultural sensitivity of the MCMI-III Corrections Report?

  • What additional research has been done regarding the usefulness of the MCMI-III Corrections Report in prison systems?

  • Can I receive an interpretive report (not a corrections report) for an examinee in a Correctional Inmate setting?

  • Is there research to support the usefulness of the MCMI-III Corrections Report in prison systems?

  • Can I receive an Interpretive Report (not a Corrections Report) for an examinee in a correctional inmate setting?

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