Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®)

Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®)


Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help address struggling students’ concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind.

Millon® College Counseling Inventory (MCCI®) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help address struggling students’ concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind.


Theodore Millon, PhD, DSc, Stephen Strack, PhD, Carrie Millon, PhD, Seth Grossman, PsyD


Brief, comprehensive personality inventory specifically designed for college populations.

Age Range:

College and university students 16-40 years old


Paper-and-pencil, CD, computer or online administration

Scoring Option:

Q-global™ web based, Q Local™ Software, Manual Scoring, or Mail-in Scoring

Completion Time:

20–25 minutes (150 items, Likert scale)


Normed on 564 college and university students from ages 17-45

Report Options:

Interpretive Report

Publication Date:


Qualification: Level B

The MCCI® (Millon® College Counseling Inventory) is a multi-dimensional personality assessment that can help you address your struggling students’ concerns and get them back to a healthy state-of-mind.

Normed on college and university students and taking only 20 minutes to administer, this easy-to-interpret test addresses student-specific issues, including:

  • Depression
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Adjustment and Relationship Difficulties
  • Alcohol/Drug Abuse
  • Suicidal Ideation

How to Use This Test

The MCCI offers support to college counseling professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and other mental health and guidance personnel. This dynamic instrument can help you:

  • Confirm personality and diagnostic hypotheses
  • Document students’ problematic tendencies and concerns
  • Contribute to personalized treatment planning
  • Monitor treatment interventions and assess outcomes
  • Make appropriate referrals to outside clinics

Key Features

  • The MCCI was normed on college and university students ages 16-40 years old, and incorporates themes closely associated with students facing the stresses of college life.
  • This practical tool helps assess a broad range of factors using one multidimensional instrument.
  • Taking 25 minutes or less to complete, the MCCI test helps gather a wealth of information in a minimal amount of time–an important consideration for busy college counselors and on-the-go students.

MCCI trial package


Response Issues

V Validity
X Disclosure
Y Desirability
Z Debasement

Personality Styles (Non-clinical Patterns)

1 Introverted
2A Inhibited
2B Dejected
3 Needy
4 Sociable
5 Confident
6A Unruly
7 Conscientious
8A Oppositional
8B Denigrated

Severe Personality Tendencies (Clinical)

9 Borderline

Expressed Concerns

A Mental Health Upset
B Identity Quandaries
C Family Disquiet
D Peer Alienation
E Romantic Distress
F Academic Concerns
G Career Confusion
H Abusive Experiences
I Living Arrangement Problems
J Financial Burdens
K Spiritual Doubts

Clinical Signs

AA Suicidal Tendencies
BB Depressive Outlook
CC Anxiety/Tension
DD Post Traumatic Stress
EE Eating Disorders
FF Anger Dyscontrol
GG Attention (Cognitive) Deficits
HH Obsessions/Compulsions
II Alcohol Abuse
JJ Drug Abuse

Noteworthy Responses

Risky Behaviors
Expectation Pressures
Escapist Distractions
Minority Prejudice
Somatic Concerns
Reality Distortions

Psychometric Information

The MCCI is exclusively normed on college and university students, presenting an appropriate comparison group. Encompassing 564 individuals ages 17-45 from 33 college counseling centers located across the United States, the normative base accommodates a broad population, including older students who are now typical on college campuses.

Report Option

The MCCI instrument includes a detailed Interpretive Report that synthesizes individual test results. This valuable component highlights personality styles, critical concerns and treatment strategies that address issues particularly relevant to college students.

View a sample MCCI Interpretive Report

Scoring and/or Reporting Options

Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and Reporting – Enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the Web.

Q Local™ Scoring and Reporting Desktop Software – Enables you to score assessments, report results, and store and export data on your computer.

Mail-in Scoring Service – Specially designed answer sheets are mailed to Pearson for processing within 24–48 hours of receipt; results returned via regular mail.

Comprehensive Online Training Program

This independent study training program provides an overview of the Millon College Counseling Inventory (MCCI). It also describes the underlying theory, administration and interpretation of the inventory. The program consists of an introductory module and three training modules:

CE Available

Earn up to 3 APA CE credits (Nominal fee applies). Information to obtain CE is included with each module.

Getting Started with the Q-global Training Series

View these brief training modules about Q-global:

CD-Based Training

Free CD-based training for the MCCI test now available! Earn up to three CE credits. Get more information.

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