NEUROPSI – Attention and Memory, 2nd ed

NEUROPSI – Attention and Memory, 2nd ed


NEUROPSI Attention and Memory allows assessment of the cognitive process in Spanish speakers with documented or suspected brain lesions (e.g., tumours, traumatic brain injury), developmental disabilities, ADHD, dementia, psychiatric disorders, etc.

NEUROPSI Attention and Memory allows assessment of the cognitive process in Spanish speakers with documented or suspected brain lesions (e.g., tumours, traumatic brain injury), developmental disabilities, ADHD, dementia, psychiatric disorders, etc.


Feggy Ostrosky-Solís, Ma Esther Gomez, Esmeralda Matute, Monica Rosselli, Alfredo Ardila, David Pineda

Age Range:

6:0-85:0 years

Completion Time:

50-60 minutes for people without cognitive disabilities, 80-90 minutes in pathologic populations


Based on 950 subjects and scores are corrected according to age and education

Evaluate attention, memory, and learning functioning in Spanish speakers

NEUROPSI—Attention and Memory allows assessment of the cognitive process in people with documented or suspected brain lesions (i.e. tumors, traumatic brain injury), developmental disabilities, ADHD, dementia, psychiatric disorders, etc.

Subtests are organized into summary scores that yield a General Attention and Memory Index Score, an Attention Index, Memory Index, and separate indexes of each of the subtests evaluating Orientation, Attention and Concentration, Working Memory, Immediate Verbal Memory, Delayed Verbal Memory, Immediate Visual Memory, Delayed Verbal Memory, and Executive Functions.

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