The Ounce Scale

The Ounce Scale


Assist parents to become keener observers of developmental milestones. The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents observe a range of relevant behaviours in their child’s growth. 

Assist parents to become keener observers of developmental milestones. The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents observe a range of relevant behaviours in their child’s growth. 


Samuel J. Meisels, EdD, Dorothea B. Marsden, MEd, Amy Laura Dombro, Donna R. Weston, Abigail M. Jewkes


Assist parents to become keener observers of developmental milestones.

Age Range:

Birth–3:6 years old

Scoring Option:

Ounce Online (ordered by phone at 1.800.627.7271) or manual scoring

Scoring Options:

Ounce Online (ordered by phone at 1.800.627.7271) or manual scoring

Publication Date:


Help parents become keener observers of developmental milestones

Most parents are quick to relate their kid’s “golden moments” — the first step, the first word, the funny dance. But they may not realize the more subtle yet important indicators of their child’s growth. The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents observe a range of relevant behaviors — so that you can better assess the child’s development.

Product details

Designed for use with infants and toddlers, The Ounce Scale is organized around six major developmental areas:

  • Personal connections: How children show they trust you
  • Feelings about self: How children express who they are
  • Relationships with other children: What children do around other children
  • Understanding and communicating: How children understand and communicate
  • Exploration and problem solving: How children explore and figure things out
  • Movement and coordination: How children move their bodies and use their hands to do things

Recommended uses

The Ounce Scale offers a meaningful way to evaluate and document children’s growth, accomplishments, areas of difficulty, and temperament. This versatile tool is used by:

  • Center-based childcare personnel
  • Early Head Start teachers
  • Home visitors
  • Parent support group leaders
  • Visiting nurses
  • Teen parenting program staff
  • Early interventional specialists
  • Family home daycare providers
  • Pediatricians and health aides

Benefits to you and the children you serve

  • Presents a highly reliable, criterion-referenced measure based on specific developmental standards
  • Helps meet Early Head Start and federal assessment requirements
  • Allows you to gather information from multiple perspectives, giving a more well-rounded picture of the child’s development
  • Takes a natural, whole-child approach to observation
  • Helps educate parents so that they can become more involved in decisions about their children
  • Supports early intervention for at-risk kids
  • Enables you to celebrate children’s achievements
  • Offers your district online tools to help streamline data collection and reporting


The Ounce Scale comprises three core components:

  • Observation Record — Provides a focus for observing and documenting children’s everyday behaviors and provides data for making evaluations
  • Family Album — Offers a structure for parents to learn about and record their child’s development
  • Developmental Profile — Enables caregivers and other staff to evaluate each child’s development and progress over time, comparing their observations

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Getting Started with Ounce Online

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow, PhD

    The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents and child care providers observe a range of relevant behaviors. The core components of the Ounce Scale are Observation Record, Family Album, and Developmental Profile. This one-hour session is designed for administrators and child care providers who are using Ounce Online. The presenter will demonstrate how to create a class roster by adding teachers and children and how to use the online system to document observations.

    Date: Oct 21, 2014


  • Overview of The Ounce Scale

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow, PhD

    The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents and other child care providers observe a range of relevant behaviors. This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of the core components of The Ounce Scale – Observation Record, Family Album, and Developmental Profile.

    Date: Jun 04, 2014

    pdf PDF: Overview of The Ounce Scale

    swf Video: Overview of The Ounce Scale

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