Process Assessment of the Learner – Second Edition: Diagnostics for Math (PAL-II Math)

Process Assessment of the Learner – Second Edition: Diagnostics for Math (PAL-II Math)


The Process Assessment of the Learner™ Second Edition: Diagnostics for Math measures the development of cognitive processes critical to learning math skills and actual math performance. PAL™-II Math is appropriate as either Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 evaluation tool.

The Process Assessment of the Learner™ Second Edition: Diagnostics for Math measures the development of cognitive processes critical to learning math skills and actual math performance. PAL™-II Math is appropriate as either Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 evaluation tool.


Virginia Wise Berninger, PhD


Investigate the cognitive processes related to math

Age Range:

Grades K to 6



Scoring Option:

Manual Scoring

RTI Tiers:

RTI Levels 1, 2 and 3

Completion Time:

Varies depending on subtests selected by the examiner


Scaled Scores and base rates

Publication Date:


The only test to investigate the cognitive processes related to math

PAL-II Math measures the development of cognitive processes that are critical to learning math skills and actual math performance. Appropriate as either Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 evaluation tool.


  • Introduces novel quantitative and spatial working memory tasks associated with math computation skills
  • Aligns with the National Mathematics Advisory Panel and the National Research Councilrecommendations
  • Provides evidence-based diagnostics for dyscalculia
  • Guides early identification/intervention planning by customizing your evaluation
  • Provides brief application and interpretation based on referral concern or as follow up to earlier assessment

Features & Benefits

  • Easier to administer with the PAL-II User’s Guide
  • Referral driven customization
  • Recommends resources and types of interventions based on the assessment results
  • Offers flexible administration—brief or comprehensive based on the referral needs

A link to the PAL–II User’s Guide is provided in your purchased kit so examiners can use it readily in their daily practice for multiple purposes, including:

  • Reviewing the essentials of test administration prior to assessment
  • Reviewing test interpretation prior to preparation of an assessment report
  • Designing an early intervention program and progress monitoring plan in a specific academic domain
  • Engaging in problem-solving consultation for specific reasons for referral
  • Performing differential diagnosis and treatment planning for preparing an Individual Education Plan (IEP)

User’s Guide

PAL-II User’s Guide CD:

  • Provides recommendations on subtest administration based on referral concerns and child’s grade level
  • Describes each subtest and how each construct affects math skills with score interpretation
  • Recommends resources and types of interventions based on the assessment results
  • Provides recommendations and suggestions for resources and types of interventions based on the assessment results
  • Offers easy access to technical information such as development of the test, reliability studies, and validity studies

Reference Materials

PAL-II Math Brochure (PDF- 158 KB)

PAL-II Diagnostic for Math (PAL-II Math) has subtests aligned with recommendations in the Final Report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP) and the Adding It Up Report of the National Research Council. We have outlined the target math skills and the recommended PAL-II Math subtest to administer for identifying students with weaknesses in the target math skill for purposes of supplementary instruction to master the skill. You can access these summaries by viewing either below.

National Mathematics Advisory Panel Final Report

To prepare K to 6 students for success in algebra in middle school and high school, students need to develop these skills in elementary school. (page 19, NMAP)

Target Skills Related PAL-II Subtests
1. Key Target Skills
Conceptual Understanding
  • Oral Counting
  • Place Value
  • Part-Whole Relationships (Time)
Computational Fluency
  • Fact Retrieval
  • Computation Operations
  • Finding the Bug
Problem Solving
  • Multi-Step Problem Solving
  • Place Value (Part C)
  • Part-Whole Relationships (Time)
  • Quantitative Working Memory
2. Other Targeted Skills
Number Sense (page 27, NMAP)
  • Basic Counting Skills
Oral Counting
  • Place Value
Place Value
  • Basic Arithmetic Operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
  • Math Fact Retrieval
  • Computation Operations
Fluency with whole numbers (page 17, NMAP)
  • Place Value
Place Value
  • Basic Operations (Algorithms)
  • Fact Retrieval
  • Computation Operations
  • Finding the Bug
  • Applying Operations to Problem Solving
  • Multi-Step Problem Solving
  • Place Value (Part C)
  • Part-Whole Relationships (Time)
  • Quantitative Working Memory
  • Automatic Recall of Number Facts
Fact Retrieval
Fluency with Fractions and Decimals (page 18, NMAP)
  • Part-Whole Relationships (fractions and mixed numbers)
Part-Whole Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • Place Value (whole numbers + decimals)
Place Value

3. Number Line Representations
(page 29, NMAP)

Many of the recommended interventions in the PAL-II M Test Administration Manual and PAL-II User Guides involve number line representations.


Adding It Up (National Research Council, page 16)—5 Attributes of Proficiency

Target Skills Related PAL-II Subtests
1. Conceptual Understanding
  • Oral Counting
  • Place Value
  • Part-Whole Relationships
2. Procedural Fluency Computational Operations—Verbal Explanation and Problem Solution
3. Strategic Competence
(formulate and represent math problems)
  • Multi-Step Problem Solving
  • Part-Whole Time
4. Adaptive Reasoning (e.g. explanation) Computation Operations— Verbal Explanation
5. Procedural Disposition
(seeing math as sensible)
  • Place Value—Problem Response Written
  • Finding the Bug
  • Part-Whole Concept

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • PAL-II: Overview of the Process Assessment of the Learner-Second Edition

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow, PhD

    PAL-II Reading and Writing and PAL-II Math are comprehensive, research-based assessment systems. The instruments can be used at three tiers ranging from prevention to problem solving consultation to differential diagnosis. PAL-II Reading and Writing links to targeted evidence-based interventions and lessons. During this 1-hour webinar, participants will learn about the three-tiered approach to assessment described by Dr. Virginia Berninger, author of the PAL-II. The presenter will describe how the components of the PAL-II are used to prevent academic problems and to identify targeted interventions for struggling students.

    Date: Nov 15, 2011



  • PAL-II Advanced: Tiered Assessment and Intervention

    Presenter: Amy Dilworth Gabel, PhD

    PAL-II Reading and Writing and PAL-II Math are comprehensive, research-based assessment systems. The instruments can be used at three tiers ranging from prevention to problem solving consultation to differential diagnosis. PAL-II Reading and Writing links to targeted evidence-based interventions and lessons. During this webinar, participants will learn about the three-tiered approach to assessment described by Dr. Virginia Berninger, author of the PAL-II. The presenter will describe how the components of the PAL-II are used to prevent academic problems and to identify targeted interventions for struggling students. As a result of this presentation, participants will

    • Describe the reading, writing, and math skills students are expected to master at specified grade levels;
    • Discuss the cognitive processes that are critical to acquisition of reading, writing, and math skills;
    • Describe how to choose an intervention based on analysis of a student’s performance of a skill and mastery of the cognitive processes needed to perform the skill.

    Date: Dec 02, 2010



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