Receptive and Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests, Fourth Edition (ROWPVT-4, EOWPVT-4)

Receptive and Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Tests, Fourth Edition (ROWPVT-4, EOWPVT-4)


Edited by Rick Brownell, MA


Co-normed tests help you make accurate comparisons of a child’s receptive and expressive vocabulary skills

Age Range:

2:0 - 70+

Scoring Option:

Manual scoring

RTI Tiers:

2 and 3

Completion Time:

15-25 minutes


Percentiles based on over 2,000 individuals


Percentiles based on more than 2,000 individuals for the English edition

Publication Date:

English 2010;Spanish-Bilingual 2012

The ROWPVT-4 and EOWPVT-4 are individually administered, norm-referenced assessments. The ROWPVT-4 tests an individual’s ability to match a spoken word with an image of an object, action, or concept. The EOWPVT-4 tests an individual’s ability to name, with one word, objects, actions, and concepts when presented with color illustrations. The tests target the ability to understand the meaning of words spoken and name what is depicted on a test plate without context.


Uses & Applications

  • Documenting vocabulary development
  • Assessing reading skill
  • Screening for early language delay
  • Examining word/concept retrieval in aphasia
  • Obtaining an indirect indication of some
  • Cognitive skills
  • Evaluating intervention programs


Both tests were standardized on English-speaking individuals ages 2 through 80+ years residing in the United States.

Content & Administration

The ROWPVT-4 and EOWPVT-4 each feature 190 test items with full-color illustrations.

  • With the ROWPVT-4, the child identifies one of four illustrations that depict the meaning of a stimulus word that you present.
  • The EOWPVT-4 requires the child to name the object, action, or concept illustrated on a test plate that you present.

Spanish-Bilingual Editions

Now with expanded norms (ages 2:0 through 70+), this edition is intended for use with – and was normed on – a bilingual population of individuals who speak Spanish and English with varying levels of proficiency. Because examinees are permitted to respond in either language, the test measures total acquired vocabulary; it is not a test of language proficiency, since language includes grammar and syntax, as well as vocabulary. Norms are separaate from the English 4th editions. The Spanish-bilingual edition (SBE) tests are co-normed, allowing for a comprehensive evaluation of a person’s naming abilities.

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