Review360® for Speech Language Pathologists

Review360® for Speech Language Pathologists


Review360® for Speech-Language Pathologists helps meet data monitoring and compliance requirements and realize developmental progress for students with speech, language, and hearing disorders.

Review360® for Speech-Language Pathologists helps meet data monitoring and compliance requirements and realize developmental progress for students with speech, language, and hearing disorders.


Progress monitoring, a detailed goal bank, and evidence-based intervention options--anytime, anywhere

Age Range:

Pre-K through Adult

RTI Tiers:

RTI Levels 1, 2 and 3

Save time on pulling your progress monitoring data together and get back into your clinical decision making and collaboration!

Quickly access objective, visually appealing progress monitoring reports, a goal bank, and evidence-based intervention options. Review360 for SLPs helps you to meet data monitoring and compliance requirements and realize developmental progress for students with speech, language, and hearing disorders. It includes a menu of long-term/annual goals that are tied to the Common Core State Standards. Each goal contains the required elements for a standard-aligned goal/objective.

Content & Administration

78 long-term objectives – written by Dr. Judy Rudebusch – included:

  • Speech Sound Production (22)
  • Voice (9)
  • Fluency (7)
  • Language (40)

74 Evidence-based intervention strategies included, gleaned from the literature by Dr. Judy Rudebusch and sourced right in Review360 for SLPs.

This comprehensive and integrated web-based solution delivers the tools and resources necessary to achieve the best possible outcomes for students, staff, and schools. Use Review360 for SLPs during your session or afterward from pre-printed blank scoring sheets.

Choose from one of two scoring methodologies to take data on paper or on your favorite digital device:

  1. A simple frequency count
    (e.g., “4 out of 5”)
  2. A more robust qualitative, descriptive count of scaffolding during a task
    (e.g., “Trials”)

Features & Benefits

The robust, yet easy-to-use platform offers:

  • Thorough reporting at individual and group levels
  • Individualized planning
  • A menu of customizable long-term and annual goals
  • Completely web-based system makes tracking interventions and progress more accessible and efficient.
  • Data-driven reporting and communication keeps the entire team informed, including parents, with visual and engaging report options – no time spent making your data “pretty!”
  • Web-based procedures for reporting and progress monitoring save time and resources.
  • Training videos inside the application are available 24/7
  • Allows you to change plans or recommendations based on real-time data at each reporting period
  • Great for use in telepractice as well as face-to-face intervention
  • Customize and create easy short-term goals within long-term IEP goals
  • Great communication tools for collaborating with classroom teachers

Resources on the Web Right at Your Fingertips

  • Sample reports
  • Blank data sheet for recording during intervention
  • Recorded training webinars
  • Case studies
  • Common Core State Standards alignment
  • Goal breakdown support tool
  • A wealth of FAQs from other SLPs

Can I use Review360 for SLPs via telepractice?

Yes, you can! You can take data on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or any device while you’re in a telepractice session. Or take the data on paper and then enter it later. Review360 doesn’t require a presentation of content to the student. It is a powerful tool that supports your work in telepractice instantly. All online, all the time. Log in and see the your student’s progress and print the right chart or graph for communicating with parents, teachers, other professionals, or your student.

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Case Studies: Progress Monitoring and Intervention with Review360 for SLPs*

    Presenter: Tina Eichstadt, MS, CCC-SLP AND Ryan Fast

    It is highly recommended that you watch the Feb 15, 2016 recording (below)–Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs–in advance of this presentation. This earlier webinar gave a tutorial of the Review360 for SLPs product itself. This August webinar takes a clinical focus and assumes familiarity with the product. Thank you!

    This course highlights a tool–Review360 for SLPs–that will manage multiple needs: rigorous, measurable goals, evidence-based intervention, progress monitoring, and reporting needs. An integrated tool for these tasks in clinical practice saves time and increases the ability of SLPs to focus on delivering exceptional services and to communicate the value of those services across stakeholder groups.

    A case-study approach to continuing education allows professionals to consider both clinical and process issues in service delivery. With the ever-increasing need for a focus on clinical outcomes and describing the value of SLP services, progress monitoring and robust reporting on intervention status grows central to the work of SLPs in schools. Increasing demands of a workload approach to clinical practice works together with outcome-based intervention to support relevant SLP practice patterns.

    Date: Oct 17, 2016

    pdf PDF: Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs

  • Case Studies: Progress Monitoring and Intervention with Review360 for SLPs*

    Presenter: Tina Eichstadt, MS, CCC-SLP AND Ryan Fast

    It is highly recommended that you watch the Feb 15, 2016 recording (below)–Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs–in advance of this presentation. This earlier webinar gave a tutorial of the Review360 for SLPs product itself. This August webinar takes a clinical focus and assumes familiarity with the product. Thank you!

    This course highlights a tool–Review360 for SLPs–that will manage multiple needs: rigorous, measurable goals, evidence-based intervention, progress monitoring, and reporting needs. An integrated tool for these tasks in clinical practice saves time and increases the ability of SLPs to focus on delivering exceptional services and to communicate the value of those services across stakeholder groups.

    A case-study approach to continuing education allows professionals to consider both clinical and process issues in service delivery. With the ever-increasing need for a focus on clinical outcomes and describing the value of SLP services, progress monitoring and robust reporting on intervention status grows central to the work of SLPs in schools. Increasing demands of a workload approach to clinical practice works together with outcome-based intervention to support relevant SLP practice patterns.

    Date: Sep 19, 2016

    pdf PDF: Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs

    link Video: Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs

  • Review360 for SLPs: A Deeper Look at the Embedded Objectives and Strategies

    Presenter: Judy Rudebusch, EdD, CCC-SLP

    Overview: Based on feedback from a series of overview webinars earlier in 2016, this presentation will delve into the content of the Review360 for SLPs goal bank (Objectives) and embedded, evidence-based interventions (Strategies). Dr. Rudebusch, the author of this content, will provide more examples in both areas and discuss clinical applications.

    No Certificate of Attendance is available for listening to this pre-recorded webinar. Certificates of Attendance were available for attendees of the live broadcast on April 26, 2016.

    Date: Apr 26, 2016

    pdf PDF: Review360 for SLPs: A Deeper Look at the Embedded Objectives and Strategies

    link Video: Review360 for SLPs: A Deeper Look at the Embedded Objectives and Strategies

  • Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs

    Presenter: Tina Eichstadt, MS, CCC-SLP AND Ryan Fast

    This course provides the context for and examples of objective and robust progress monitoring using well-developed goals. It also highlights the use of the current evidence for many areas of the speech-language pathologist’s scope of practice. Examples of interventions tied to the evidence base will be provided using Pearson’s Review360 for SLPs system. Detailed reporting options will be highlighted.

    Date: Feb 15, 2016

    pdf PDF: Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs

    link Video: Progress Monitoring and Evidence-Based Intervention with Review360 for SLPs


Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.


  • Is there a license for the program?  If I purchase an individual ‘account’, can I download it onto my iPad and laptop?
  • Is there a free trial for Review360 for SLPs?
  • Is the pricing for Review360 for SLPs per SLP or district or school?
  • Can one SLP purchase Review360 for SLPs and use independently?

Working with Goals

  • Are there pragmatics goals in Review360 for SLPs?
  • Can you copy and paste these goals into an IEP or IEP program?
  • My district has goals /objectives they recommend we use which are listed in a separate document or on our website.  Can those goals be cut/pasted into Review360 or does it have to be typed in?
  • I’m trying to imagine the amount of time it would take to set all this up for 50+ different students with 2-3 goals each. Does it really save that much time throughout the year that makes it worth the initial investment?
  • Can you add other long term goals besides the goals that are in the goal bank?
  • Does Review360 for SLPs include an alarm feature that alerts you to a goal or objective you haven’t addressed in a while?


  • I saw the chart with Common Core alignment of goals, but if I recall correctly, it did not give the specific reference (i.e., domain/grade with numeral and letter reference). My district requires specific reference when developing IEP’s. Why didn’t you add the exact references?
  • Does this program cover Pre-K (3-6 year olds)?
  • Does this program also work with PT and OT?
  • Where is the link to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)?
  • Are the stimulus materials available for students?


  • How do I add students when we don’t have student numbers from which to locate a name?
  • If a data error entry is made, and “saved” in the program, can I go back and correct the information?
  • Is there tech support provided 24/7/365 for using Review 360?
  • What about student confidentiality when sending data via email to parents?
  • Is Review360 for SLPs a real-time data collection system?
  • Can you export and share data as student grows and moves between SLPs—that is, can you “hand off” a student and his/her data to another SLP?
  • Does Review360 have a feature that allows you to stop/start the data collection quarterly without making a new set of goals for each student – or can you select the date range you want to calculate?
  • Does Review360 have a parent portal that allows you to send a link to parents to see their child’s data whenever they would like?
  • Can you share a child’s data collection screen with another professional such as a self-contained teacher?  We would like to take data on the same set of goals.
  • Is there an option for noting when the professional is absent or was called away for a meeting and missed the session?
  • What security measures do you have in place to ensure the safety of the data and student information?
  • What happens to your data if you use the system and then you decide not to use it – what would happen to the data?
  • Is the data stored in the Cloud?
  • Are the visuals/charts/graphs clear and understandable if printed in black and white rather than in color?
  • Do I need to get permission from my district in order to transfer names, identifying information, goals, etc. into Review 360?
  • Is Review360 for SLPs directly connected to any other digital systems?

Using Review360 for SLPs

  • I, like most SLP’s, will need to record data initially on paper and then transfer to Review 360. Does the program provide a paper data form (with goals/objectives, student name, etc.) which can be printed after the initial data is entered into the system? It would be nice if a basic data sheet (for paper entry of initial responses) could be generated from your program.
  • Could you use Review360 for SLPs in wider applications outside your caseload?
  • Can you put kids into groups to gather data while they are being seen a group?
  • My special education teachers use Review360 for behavior monitoring. Is this the same program?
  • Do you have to be online to record data?
  • Is Review360 for SLPs Medicaid compliant?
  • Can you take data digitally during the actual session, instead of inputting later on in the day?
  • Is there an activity section where we can note the materials used for the session?
  • Can this also be used for private clinics? We do monthly therapy plans and re-evals every 6 months.
  • What are three common questions a parent or related professional might ask about the progress of a student in intervention?
  • Do you set the level of independence before each session or save it and not have do it every session?

Spanish/other languages or dialects

  • I have a student who uses Spanish-influenced English or African-American English. How can I adapt my progress monitoring to account for acceptable dialectical variations?
  • Does Review360 for SLPs also include the phonetic symbols for languages other than English such as Spanish?

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