Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools™ (RBVS)

Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools™ (RBVS)


Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools™ (RBVS) evaluates and monitors bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences.

Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools™ (RBVS) evaluates and monitors bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences.


William Reynolds


Evaluate and monitor bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences

Age Range:

BVS: Grades 3 through 12; BVDS: Grades 3 through 12; SVAS: Grades 5 through 12

RTI Tiers::

RTI Levels 1, 2 and 3

Completion Time:

5-10 minutes each

Publication Date:


Bully Victimization Scale (BVS), Bully-Victimization Distress Scale (BVDS), and School Violence Anxiety Scale (SVAS)

Complete behavior management tool to evaluate and monitor, individuals or groups

These three self-report, standardized instruments for school aged children will each take 5 to 10 minutes to complete. As a combined battery they will form a comprehensive picture of a child’s experience of peer-related threat, level of distress and anxiety related to school safety. Results can provide benchmarks for identifying a child for intervention, or for identifying what students perceive as a threatening or unsafe school environment.

Bully Victimization Scale (BVS)

The Bully Victimization Scale (BVS) is designed to assess bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences in children and adolescents. The BVS consists of two sub-scales, the Bully Scale and the Victimization Scale. The BVS is designed for use with students grades 3 through 12 and takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. The BVS provides for the identification of youngsters who are being bullied and students who engage in bullying behavior. The BVS may be used individually and as a school-based screening measure for the identification of bullies and bully-victims. The use of the BVS as a screening measure assists in the creation of safe schools by identifying youngsters who bully as well as their victims who often feel distressed, disenfranchised, and alienated from school.

Bully-Victimization Distress Scale (BVDS)

The Bully-Victimization Distress Scale (BVDS) is designed to evaluate victimization distress in children and adolescents in grades 3 through 12. The BVDS is conceptualized as measuring components of Externalizing Distress and Internalizing Distress. A student’s response to being bullied may be characterized as internalizing (symptoms of depression, anxiety/fearfulness, somatic, etc.) and/or externalizing (symptoms of anger, aggression, acting out, oppositional/defiant, etc.). The test provides scores on Externalizing Distress and Internalizing Distress subscales and a Total Distress scale. A moderate correlation between the two sub-scales is expected given that some students will show both internalizing and externalizing responses to bully-victimization. The BVDS is a measure of students’ psychological response to bullying and determines the internalizing and externalizing nature of this distress. The BVDS will allow school psychologists, counselors, and clinical psychologists to evaluate students’ victimization distress, an important activity given the extent to which bullying is a problem in our nation’s schools. The BVDS can be used individually or for school-based screening, and provides a means to identify students experiencing significant levels of distress due to bully-victimization.

School Violence Anxiety Scale (SVAS)

The School Violence Anxiety Scale (SVAS) is a measure of anxiety designed for use with students in grades 5 through 12, to assess students’ perception of school violence and safety. The SVAS evaluates students’ level of anxiety about the school as a safe environment, including anxiety specific to physical harm at school, harassment at school, and the potential for violence occurring at school. SVAS items evaluate physiological, cognitive, and emotional components of anxiety.

Features and Benefits

  • The scales will lend themselves to screening for children who engage in bullying as well as those who are the victims of bullying.
  • All three instruments may be used in both school and clinical settings.
  • The BVS and BVDS are written at the third grade reading level, while the SVAS is written at the fifth grade reading level.
  • When administered with other instruments, such as the Beck Youth Inventories-Second Edition™, individual clinical profiles can be developed to understand and treat the psychological underpinnings of bullying and victimization.
  • All scales can be used to monitor environmental changes associated with new safe school initiatives.

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