Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Fifth Edition, Integrated

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children | Fifth Edition, Integrated


The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition, Integrated (WISC-V Integrated) includes 14 subtests that provide insight into a child’s WISC-V performance and approach to learning.

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® Fifth Edition, Integrated (WISC-V Integrated) includes 14 subtests that provide insight into a child’s WISC-V performance and approach to learning.

Age Range:

6:0 – 16:11



Qualification Level:


Completion Time:

Varies by subtest selected

Scoring Options:

Q-global™ Scoring & Reporting or Manual Scoring

Report Options:

Score Report

Publication Date:


WISC-V Integrated provides a deeper understanding of cognitive processes impacting a child’s WISC-V performance.


  • Understand a child’s WISC-V performance when discrepancies are observed across subtest or index scores.
  • Understand changes in a child’s profile of cognitive strengths and weaknesses over time.
  • Identify cognitive processing strengths and weaknesses in students with specific learning disabilities.
  • Assess cognitive processing difficulties in children with psychiatric issues or neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Investigate the impact of brain injuries and neurological/medical conditions related to children’s cognitive functioning.


Designed to help develop appropriate interventions or treatments, the WISC-V Integrated allows selection of only the subtests that help answer the referral question.

  • Provides adapted and varied versions of the WISC-V subtests to help more clearly explain WISC-V performance and assess children with special needs.
  • Measures expand working memory construct coverage and allow assessment of domain-specific functioning of working memory.
  • Measures verbal comprehension ability for children with expressive language issues.
  • Refines and tests hypotheses about why a child may have difficulty in a specific cognitive area.

New Index Scores

WISC-V Integrated Framework

Multiple Choice Verbal Comprehension Index (MCVCI):

Using scores from the WISC-V Integrated Similarities Multiple Choice and the Vocabulary Multiple Choice subtest, obtain a measure of verbal comprehension that eliminates expressive demands.

Visual Working Memory Index (VWMI):

Using scores from WISC-V Picture Span and the WISC–V Integrated Spatial Span subtest, obtain a measure of visual working memory that includes both visual and visual-spatial tasks.


Similarities Multiple Choice
Vocabulary Multiple Choice
Picture Vocabulary Multiple Choice
Information Multiple Choice
Comprehension Multiple Choice
Figure Weights Process Approach
Arithmetic Process Approach

Written Arithmetic
Block Design Multiple Choice
Cancellation Abstract
Spatial Span
Sentence Recall
Coding Recall
Coding Copy

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