Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Third Edition (WPPSI™ – III)

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Third Edition (WPPSI™ – III)


An assessment of cognitive development for preschool and young children.

An assessment of cognitive development for preschool and young children.


David Wechsler


The improvements we've made to the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™-Third Edition (WPPSI™-III) are the result of research gathered from customers, expert advisory panels, professionals in the field, and children who have been involved in the testing process. Consequently, WPPSI™-III features shorter, more game-like activities that hold the attention of children as young as 2-1/2 years. Simplified instructions and scoring procedures enhance the ease of administration for examiners. Both children and examiners benefit from the thoughtful, carefully constructed revisions implemented to build a highly respected, reliable test that completely reflects what customers and other professionals told us they wanted for WPPSI™-III.

Age Range:

Children 2:6–7:3

Scoring Option:

Manual scoring

RTI Tiers:

RTI Level 3

Completion Time:

Core subtests: Ages 2:6–3:11, 30–45 minutes; Ages 4:0–7:3, 45–60 minutes


Scaled Scores by age, IQs

Publication Date:


WPPSI™-III — Totally Restructured Based on User Input and Expert Panel Review to Build a Better Assessment from Start to Finish

The improvements we’ve made to the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™-Third Edition (WPPSI™-III) are the result of research gathered from customers, expert advisory panels, professionals in the field, and children who have been involved in the testing process. Consequently, WPPSI™-III features shorter, more game-like activities that hold the attention of children as young as 2-1/2 years. Simplified instructions and scoring procedures enhance the ease of administration for examiners. Both children and examiners benefit from the thoughtful, carefully constructed revisions implemented to build a highly respected, reliable test that completely reflects what customers and other professionals told us they wanted for WPPSI™-III.

Now you can have a reliable and valid measure of intelligence in young children that is more age-appropriate and user-friendly. These significant improvements provide more clinically useful information for diagnosis and planning, making WPPSI™–III an even more powerful tool.

Features & Benefits

Improved Age Appropriateness

WPPSI™-III has undergone substantial revision to increase the scale’s age appropriate properties.

  • Age range has been lowered to 2 years 6 months, allowing for earlier testing of children who could benefit from earlier intervention with special services
  • Scale has been divided into two age bands, 2:6-3:11 years and 4:0-7:3 years
  • Younger children take fewer subtests that are designed to measure verbal comprehension and perceptual organization abilities
  • Older children take a greater number of subtests designed to measure verbal comprehension, perceptual organization, and processing speed abilities
  • Less emphasis on acquired knowledge
  • Instructions to children have been simplified
  • Elimination of time bonuses due to the normal lags in motor skill development relative to cognitive skills
  • Use of queries and prompts is generally unrestricted
  • All stimulus booklet art has been redrawn to be more colorful and more closely resemble illustrations found in materials familiar to children

Increased User-Friendliness

WPPSI™-III test materials have been modified to make administration of the scale as user friendly as possible.

  • Instructions to the examiner and scoring procedures have been simplified
  • New stimulus booklet page layout provides greater comfort and efficiency throughout testing
  • Elimination of Object Assembly shield makes presentation of puzzle pieces less difficult and time-consuming
  • All subtests now feature teaching and practice items
  • Overall testing time for core subtests has been reduced, especially for children in the younger age group, with 25-35 minutes required for them and 40-50 minutes required for the older children

Improved Psychometric Properties

The scale’s psychometric properties have significantly improved.

  • New items have been added to ensure that all existing subtests have adequate floors, ceilings, and difficulty-level gradients
  • All items have been reviewed for ethnic, gender, regional, and socio-economic bias
  • Seven new subtests were developed to enhance the scale’s measurement capabilities of fluid reasoning, receptive and expressive vocabulary, and processing speed
  • Significantly improved reliability and validity
  • Norms include Subtest Scaled Score and Composite Scores (e.g. FSIQ, VIQ, PIQ, PSQ)

Validity Studies Enhance WPPSI™-III’s Clinical Value

Data from the WPPSI™-III validity studies allow a better understanding of the relative performance of clinical and non-clinical groups, while giving the examiner a better way to describe a child’s individual performance relative to his or her appropriate reference group.

  • Additional clinical studies using groups include mental retardation (mild and moderate severity), developmental delay, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, cognitively gifted, autistic, expressive language disorder, mixed receptive/ expressive language disorder, and at risk for developmental delay
  • Additional validity studies linked the WPPSI™-III to the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System™ (ABAS™), the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®-Second Edition (WIAT®-II), and the Differential Ability Scales® (DAS®) are added to reflect the IDEA Part C legislation which recommends the use of multiple diagnostic criteria for identification of children for special services
  • All revisions were driven by an advisory panel of experts, extensive literature review, customer, and examiner feedback, and additional professional expert reviewers

Areas of Assessment

WPPSI™-III Subtests for Two Age Bands

Existing subtests have been modified and new subtests have been added to include more engaging, age appropriate tasks.

Customer Services

Email: info@pearsonclinical.in
Phone: +91-9844044714

Business Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

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