Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®-Third Edition (WIAT III)  Q-Global-SCORE Report

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®-Third Edition (WIAT III)  Q-Global-SCORE Report


Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Third Edition (WIAT®-III) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings.

Wechsler Individual Achievement Test® | Third Edition (WIAT®-III) is an individually administered achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings.


Updated achievement test for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings

Age Range:

Individuals 4:0-50:11


Paper-and-pencil or online administration

Scoring Option:

Q-interactive web-based administration and Q-global™ web-based scoring

The WIAT-III is suitable for use in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings, including schools, clinics, private practices, and residential treatment facilities. Use WIAT-III results to:

  • Identify the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student
  • Inform decisions regarding eligibility for educational services, educational placement, or diagnosis of a specific learning disability
  • Design instructional objectives and plan interventions

Features & Benefits

With a total of 16 subtests, WIAT-III offers:

  • Three new subtests: Oral Reading, Math Fluency and Early Reading Skills
  • Enriched Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, and Written Expression subtests
  • Enhanced Reading Comprehension subtest
  • Improved scoring rules that are featured in response to scoring studies, theoretical reviews by expert researchers, and usability reviews by teachers and clinicians
  • Enhanced scoring software and interactive scoring guide in every kit
  • Updated norms for PreK through grade 12, and for ages 4:0–50:11

Content & Administration

  • Measure all eight areas of achievement specified by IDEA legislation as important for identifying and classifying learning disabilities
  • Focus on reading goals and objectives with the Early Reading Skills subtests
  • Evaluate patterns of strengths and weaknesses to identify learning disabilities

Psychometric Information

The WIAT-III was nationally standardized on 3,000 students and adults and features comprehensive normative information.

The WIAT-III was correlated with the following ability measures:

  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Third Edition (WPPSI-III; Wechsler, 2002)
  • Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV; Wechsler, 2012) – Study included in the WPPSI-IV Technical and Interpretive Manual
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV; Wechsler, 2003)
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V; Wechsler, 2014) – Study included in the WISC-V Technical and Interpretive Manual
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008)
  • Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability (WNV; Wechsler & Naglieri, 2006)
  • Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition (DAS-II; Elliott, 2007)

WIAT-III Score Report

View a Score Report

WPPSI–IV / WIAT-III Combination Reports

This combination report allows you to upgrade your WPPSI–IV or WIAT–III Score Report to include a pattern of strengths and weaknesses analysis and an ability achievement discrepancy analysis of the combined results.

View a Combination Report

Two options for scoring and reporting the WIAT-III are now available on Q-global.

The first option is to pay per-report. Customers who administer the WIAT-III only a few times each year, or those who want the flexibility to pay only as the assessment is used, may prefer this option.

The second option is to select an “unlimited use” subscription, where one user of the WIAT-III gets unlimited scoring and reporting for one, three, or five years depending on the selected term of the subscription. This may be a better option for customers who administer the WIAT-III several times each year—and don’t want to worry about keeping track of their report expenses.

Scoring and/or Reporting Options

Q-global™ Web-based Administration, Scoring, and Reporting – Enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports all via the Web.

WIAT-III on Q-global also provides:

  • Enhanced skill analysis for core subtests at item level and sub-item level
  • Intervention goal statements for core subtests to assist with IEP goals and to help develop planning for intervention
  • Annual goals and short-term objectives for problem areas based on specific abilities, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Research-supported alternatives for determining severe learning disability and non-responders within an RTI environment
  • Parent Report, with a description of each subtest, as well as information to help the parent understand the WIAT-III scores

For a description of subtests and composites, click here.

Q-global Unlimited-use Scoring Subscriptions

Two pricing options are now available for scoring and reporting on Q-global. In addition to the current per-report price, there is now an unlimited-use scoring and reporting subscription available in one-, three-, and five-year terms.

Important note: Each subscription is per user for the WIAT-III only and will begin on the date of order processing unless otherwise requested.

  • WIAT®-III Wechsler Individual Achievement Test®–Third Edition: An Introduction

    This pre-recorded 20-30 minute session allows you to learn at your leisure. All you need is access to the Internet and the sound enabled on your computer. Please keep in mind that the session may take a few minutes to load.

    This session provides you with essential information regarding the features of the WIAT-III.

    Attend a session

Pre-recorded Webinars

  • Application of Cognitive Hypothesis Testing Using PSW Analysis

    Presenter: Adam Scheller, Ph.D., Senior Educational Consultant with Pearson Clinical Assessment

    School districts across the country have adopted new and modified old(er) special education evaluation processes in line with the requirements outlined in IDEIA 2004. Since this revised legislation opened the door for schools to use several different means to qualify students with special education needs, we have witnessed an explosion of RTI programs and a subsequent decline in discrepancy-model usage. However, one area included in the law has received less fanfare, the process of analysing the concordance (and thus discordance) between related cognitive and academic processes. During this one-hour webinar Dr. Scheller will review this process of cognitive hypothesis testing by taking an in-depth look at how to apply widely used assessments such as the WISC-V, KTEA-3, and WIAT-III. Dr. Scheller’s goal in this one-hour webinar will be to help take clinicians to a level of detail and accuracy when forming and testing hypotheses about a child’s patterns of thinking and learning.

    Date: May 20, 2016

    pdf PDF: Application of Cognitive Hypothesis Testing Using PSW Analysis

    link Video: Application of Cognitive Hypothesis Testing Using PSW Analysis

  • WIAT-III: Scoring the Sentence Composition Subtest

    Presenter: Adam Scheller, PhD

    The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT-III), an individually administered measure of oral language, reading, written language, and mathematics, is used in schools, clinics, private practices, and residential treatment facilities. This webinar will focus on one component of WIAT-III – the Sentence Composition subtest. During the hour-and-a-half long presentation, the presenter will describe and demonstrate the criteria used to score the two components of Sentence Composition. Participants will be able to view sample responses to evaluate semantics, grammar and mechanics.

    Date: Dec 19, 2011



  • WIAT-III: Scoring the Sentence Composition

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow

    The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT-III), an individually administered measure of oral language, reading, written language, and mathematics, is used in schools, clinics, private practices, and residential treatment facilities. This webinar will focus on one component of WIAT-III – the Sentence Composition subtest. During the hour-and-a-half long presentation, the presenter will describe and demonstrate the criteria used to score the two components of Sentence Composition. Participants will be able to view sample responses to evaluate semantics, grammar and mechanics.

    Date: Sep 26, 2011




  • Overview of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Third Edition® (WIAT-III)

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow

    The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT-III) is an individually administered measure of oral language, reading, written language, and mathematics. The WIAT-III is used in a variety of clinical, educational, and research settings, including schools, clinics, private practices, and residential treatment facilities.

    During this hour-and-a-half long webinar, the presenter will describe administration and scoring of the WIAT-III subtests and interpretation of WIAT-III data.

    Date: Sep 08, 2011




  • WAIS-IV and WIAT-III for College Students

    Presenter: Amy Gabel, PhD

    During this webinar we will describe how clinicians use the WAIS-IV and WIAT-III in the evaluation of college students. A case example will be provided.

    Date: Apr 11, 2011





  • WIAT-III: Admininstration & Scoring

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow

    During this two-hour webinar, the presenter will describe the administration directions for each subtest. In addition, participants will learn how to generate a raw score for each subtest and how to convert raw scores to standardized scores.

    Date: Feb 02, 2011


  • WIAT-III: Scoring the Essay Composition

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow

    This webinar will focus on one component of the WIAT-III: the Essay Composition. During the hour-and-a-half long webinar, the presenter will describe and demonstrate the criteria used to score the essay. Participants will view sample essays to evaluate content and organization. Most of the session will be devoted to scoring criteria for theme development and text organization.

    Date: Dec 01, 2010


  • WIAT-III Q and A Webinar

    Presenter: Amy Gabel

    Join us for this webinar that addresses some of the common questions and answers regarding the WIAT-III. If you have specific questions that you would like to see addressed, please send them to the presenter, Dr. Amy Gabel, at least 3 weeks in advance of the session. In order to submit a question, please send an email to: amy.gabel@pearson.com with the Subject Line: WIAT-3 QA Webinar.

    Date: Dec 01, 2010


  • WIAT-III: Interpreting Reading Comprehension

    Presenter: Gloria Maccow

    The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–Third Edition (WIAT-III), an individually administered measure of oral language, reading, written language, and mathematics, is used in schools, clinics, private practices, and residential treatment facilities. This webinar will describe the interpretation of data from the WIAT-III: Reading Comprehension subtest. The presenter will describe how clinicians use data from the Reading Comprehension subtest to identify the nature of a student’s reading difficulties. Using sample data, the presenter will describe the component skills that are required to demonstrate reading comprehension and the interventions that are indicated based on the student’s scores.

    Date: Dec 01, 2010


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