Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (WRAML2)

Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition (WRAML2)


Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning Second Edition (WRAML2) is a broad-based memory battery that provides a flexible measure of memory functioning and learning.

Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning Second Edition (WRAML2) is a broad-based memory battery that provides a flexible measure of memory functioning and learning.


David Sheslow, PhD, Wayne Adams, PhD, ABPP


Measure memory functioning and learning

Age Range:

Individuals 5 - 90



Scoring Option:

Hand scoring

RTI Tiers:

RTI Levels 2 and 3

Completion Time:

Less than 1 hour for the Core Battery


The WRAML2 is a broad based memory battery that allows clinicians to assess at a variety of levels beginning with a brief screener and continuing with additional subtests to gather the information needed to accurately evaluate or diagnose.

WRAML2 features and benefits

  • We took the best parts of the WRAML memory test and enhanced them to increase usability. The WRAML2 now includes standard scores, scaled scores, and percentiles. For the child and pre-adolescent age groups, we have provided age equivalents.
  • New age norms from 5-90 years. We used a stratified sampling technique to construct the norms based on age, sex, race, region, and education.
  • Increased flexibility. The four subtests from the Core Battery provide an overview of memory functioning. Several subtests supplement the Core Battery, allowing you to choose additional subtests and indexes to further enhance your working memory assessment capabilities.

WRAML2 test structure

The WRAML2 Core Battery is composed of two verbal, two visual, and two attention/concentration subtests, yielding a General Memory Index consisting of:

  • Verbal Memory Index
  • Visual Memory Index
  • Attention/Concentration Index

Additionally, this edition now includes the Working Memory Index, which comprises the Symbolic Working Memory and Verbal Working Memory subtests and four recognition subtests:

  • Design Recognition
  • Picture Recognition
  • Verbal Recognition
  • Story Memory Recognition

WRAML2 psychometric information

The alpha coefficient for the General Index is .93.

Reliability coefficients for the Core Battery

Verbal Memory Index .92
Visual Memory Index .89
Attention / Concentration Index .86


Frequently asked questions follow. Click on a question to see the response.

  • How long does it take​?​
  • What is the best way to interpret the scores?
  • How does the WRAML2 differ from other Pearson products that assess memory?

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