Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA)

Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA)


Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA) provides a reliable, accurate evaluation of visual-motor skills of children and adolescents.

Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities (WRAVMA) provides a reliable, accurate evaluation of visual-motor skills of children and adolescents.


Wayne Adams, PhD, David Sheslow, PhD


Evaluate visual-motor skills

Age Range:

3 to 17 years



Completion Time:

4-10 minutes per subtest

Publication Date:


Assess and compare visual spatial, fine motor skills, and integrated visual motor skills in children from 3-17 years using norms from a single sample.

The WRAVMA assesses three areas using three tests: the Drawing (Visual Motor) Test, the Matching (Visual-Spatial) Test, and the Pegboard (Fine Motor) Test. It provides a reliable, accurate evaluation of visual-motor skills of children and adolescents ages 3-17 years.

Test Structure

Co-operative or independent testing. Use each WRAVMA subtest individually or together:

  • The Drawing Test evaluates visual-motor integration by asking the child to copy designs arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
  • The Matching Test assesses visual-spatial skills by asking the child to look at an image and select the option that relates best with it. Items are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.
  • The Pegboard Test measures fine motor skills by asking the child to insert as many pegs as they can into a pegboard within 90 seconds. Normative data is provided for both the dominant and non-dominant hand.

A scaled score, standard score, an age-equivalent score, and percentile may be obtained for each subtest. A Visual-Motor Integration Composite score can be calculated when all three subtests are used together.

Features and benefits of the WRAVMA

Relevant to school-related activities. Difficulties performing visual-motor tasks, such as copying, drawing, or handwriting, can be linked to a deficit of fine motor skills, spatial deficits, and/or an visual-motor integration deficit when motor and spatial systems are combined. The WRAVMA is uniquely suited to evaluate visual-motor ability because it makes meaningful distinctions between important contributing sub-areas.

Psychometrically sound. The norms for each test were derived from the same standardization sample of 2,600 children, permitting a valid comparison of a child’s overall visual-motor ability.

Comprehensive and economical. One set of materials can be used with children and adolescents ages 3-17 years.

Fast. Each subtest takes only 4-10 minutes to administer.

Technical information

Normative data collected from 2,600 children on all three subtests. Reliability measures of the three subtests of the WRAVMA show internal consistency coefficients exceeding .90 and test-retest reliability coefficients ranging from .81 to .91. Construct validity is supported by item separations of .99.

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