Episode #6 – Compassion Fatigue.

  Speaker: Ms Smriti Joshi is the chief clinical psychologist at WYSA, an AI-enabled coach platform for emotional wellness and positivity. Smriti is also a TEDx speaker and has worked in mental health for nearly 20 years. Q1: Could you please briefly talk about what compassion fatigue is? The work of helping which psychologists and… Continue reading Episode #6 – Compassion Fatigue.

Episode #5 – Getting to Know Mental Disorders

  Nithi is an RCI registered Clinical Psychologist with an M.Phil in Clinical Psychology. She has five years of work experience in school and clinical setup and currently working as a Training and Assessment Specialist at Pearson. Q 1: Nowadays we see a lot of uproar about mental health not only because of the pandemic… Continue reading Episode #5 – Getting to Know Mental Disorders

Suicide and Mental Health Awareness in the Wake of the Pandemic.

Trigger Warning: Post about suicide India, along with the rest of the world is currently recovering from the impact of the second wave of the global COVID-19 pandemic, which hit the world by storm in the early months of 2020. In the wake of the pandemic, the country is working on revamping its health infrastructure… Continue reading Suicide and Mental Health Awareness in the Wake of the Pandemic.

Adapting Academic Assessment for Advancing Achievement of Children with Communication Disorders in Inclusive Classrooms

  Children with Communication Disorders and Academic Assessment Communication disorders may arise from myriad disabilities like autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, motor impairments, or other speech-language disorders. Regardless of the causative condition, they may affect the development and employment of listening-speaking and/or reading-writing skills in children. And these happen… Continue reading Adapting Academic Assessment for Advancing Achievement of Children with Communication Disorders in Inclusive Classrooms

Episode #4 Managing clients who suffer from anger management issues.

  Dr. Anita Sukhwani is a Consulting Psychiatrist with over 23 years of professional experience. She is the founder of Mann Healthy Mind Centre, a Centre with a holistic and team approach to mental health. She is the incoming President of Bombay Psychiatric Society for the year 2020-2021. Her areas of interest are Children, Women,… Continue reading Episode #4 Managing clients who suffer from anger management issues.

Reimagining Global Mental Health in the Times of Covid-19

  In the month of March of 2021, Lancet Psychiatry published a piece on the relationship between mental health and Covid-19 amongst the large population of low income and middle-income countries, titled ‘COVID-19 mental health impact and responses in low-income and middle-income countries: reimagining global mental health’. This article attempts to summarise the research and… Continue reading Reimagining Global Mental Health in the Times of Covid-19

Telepractice could be the answer to India’s Mental Health Crisis

“COVID-19 has interrupted essential mental health services around the world just when they’re needed most. World leaders must move fast and decisively to invest more in life-saving mental health programmes ̶ during the pandemic and beyond.” – Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization India’s mental health situation is dier with 7.5% of… Continue reading Telepractice could be the answer to India’s Mental Health Crisis

The Significance of Working Memory

  While you clicked on a link to read this article, did you momentarily forget why you came online, if just for a minute? Have you picked up the phone and forgotten who you were going to call? Ever walked into the grocery store and forgotten what you needed to buy? It has probably happened… Continue reading The Significance of Working Memory

Episode 3 – Psychiatry in the new normal.

Our guest for this episode is Dr. Era Dutta, a Psychiatrist, consultant neuropsychiatrist, and founder of Mind Wellness. She belongs to a younger generation of Psychiatrists who use technology to its maximum capacity and constantly work on creating awareness through various social media platforms. She has been covered by leading newspapers, radio channels, and magazines… Continue reading Episode 3 – Psychiatry in the new normal.

Accept and Appreciate Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders to Facilitate their Adjustment and Achievement in Mainstreams of Education.

  Dr. G. Malar, Post-Doctoral Fellow & Prof S. P. Goswami, HOD–Speech-Language Pathology All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri (University of Mysore) Mysuru – 570 006, Karnataka, India. Childhood is a pleasurable phase in the life of any individual where the primary occupation is growing by way of playing. Nevertheless, it is a… Continue reading Accept and Appreciate Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders to Facilitate their Adjustment and Achievement in Mainstreams of Education.

Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Women

Mental health issues are one of the leading causes of non-fatal disease burden in India, with its proportional contribution to the total disease burden doubling between 1990 and 2017. This Women’s Day, the spotlight is on women and their mental health issues, which more often than not are not taken seriously, leading to adverse circumstances.… Continue reading Prevalence of Mental Health Issues in Women

Children, Mental Health and Early Diagnosis Amidst the Pandemic

  While the Covid-19 pandemic threw individuals off their axis, it pushed children out of their orbit. They were not only dealing with stress and anxiety but battling with the uncertainty of when and whether their world of playing outside and socializing with friends and teachers at school would ever return. Children who lost loved… Continue reading Children, Mental Health and Early Diagnosis Amidst the Pandemic

The Psychological Impact of Working From Home

  2020 was a stressful year, without a doubt! Organizations and institution leaders have been struggling to review their plans, policies, and regulations to create new guidelines around their fluid work dynamic, involving more remote working and classes, for the foreseeable future. This situation has left employees and students in a flux state, adjusting and… Continue reading The Psychological Impact of Working From Home

Minding Your Language Around Mental Health

Movies, television, newspaper articles and books for decades have been using stirring and sometimes shocking language and visuals to create myths and stereotypes regarding mental illnesses and disorders. This type of language not only perpetuates misconceptions and politically incorrect language around these conditions but also promotes fear, leading to irresponsible conclusions being drawn. The message… Continue reading Minding Your Language Around Mental Health

The ECHO – Episode 2: Coping with Uncertainty and Loneliness during a crisis

Speaker: Dr Kalpana Stivastava, President of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists and one of the most distinguished clinical psychologists in the country with over 30 years of experience in the field. She is a senior scientist from the DRDO and is the recipient of many awards at the National and International level. Listen to… Continue reading The ECHO – Episode 2: Coping with Uncertainty and Loneliness during a crisis

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