Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)

Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory assesses key functional capabilities and performance in children ages 6 months to 7 years. PEDI is also useful for older children whose functional abilities are lower than those of seven-year-olds without disabilities.[...]

Early Screening Profiles (ESP)

Early Screening Profiles (ESP) is an indispensable tool that uses multiple domains, settings, and sources to measure cognitive, language, motor, self-help, and social development.[...]

Mullen Scales of Early Learning

Mullen Scales of Early Learning is a developmentally integrated system that assesses language, motor, and perceptual abilities, measures cognitive ability and motor development quickly and reliably. [...]

The Ounce Scale

Assist parents to become keener observers of developmental milestones. The Ounce Scale provides a structure to help parents observe a range of relevant behaviours in their child’s growth. [...]

Early Screening Inventory-Revised, 2008 Edition (ESI-R)

The Early Screening Inventory-Revised 2008 Edition (ESI-R) is an individually administered screening instrument to identify children who may need special education services to perform successfully in school.[...]

Work Sampling for Head Start™, 5th Edition

Work Sampling for Head Start™ | Fourth Edition is a curriculum-embedded assessment to help document developmental skills, knowledge, behavior and academics. [...]

Work Sampling for Head Start™, 4th Edition

Work Sampling System For Head Start™| Fifth Edition is a curriculum-embedded assessment to help systematically document children’s developmental skills, knowledge, behavior, and academics. [...]

Work Sampling System®, 4th Edition, The (WSS)

Work Sampling for Head Start™ | Fourth Edition is a curriculum-embedded assessment to help document developmental skills, knowledge, behavior and academics. [...]

Work Sampling System®, 5th Edition, The

The Work Sampling System® | Fifth Edition is a curriculum-embedded observational assessment customized for each grade level.[...]

Developmental Assessment of Young Children, Second Edition (DAYC-2)

The Developmental Assessment of Young Children Second Edition (DAYC-2) is a popular test used to identify children with possible delays in five different domains.[...]

Speed Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning ( DIAL-4)

Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning™ Fourth Edition (DIAL™-4) is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently. [...]

Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning™, Fourth Edition (DIAL™-4)

Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning™ Fourth Edition (DIAL™-4) is a global screener for assessing large groups of children quickly and efficiently.[...]

Sigma Survey for Police Officers (SSPO)

Sigma Survey for Police Officers (SSPO) provides a relevant, reliable tool to help select and place qualified police and security officers.[...]

Career Assessment Inventory™- The Vocational Version (CAI)

Career Assessment Inventory™ The Vocational Version (CAI) is a vocational interest inventory for individuals who plan to enter careers immediately after high school or to attend community college or trade school.[...]

Campbell™ Interest and Skill Survey (CISS®)

The Campbell™ Interest and Skill Survey (CISS®) measures self-reported vocational interests and skills. Similar to traditional interest inventories, the CISS interest scales reflect an individual’s attraction for specific occupational areas.[...]

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