Beck Youth Inventories 2nd Ed.(BYI-II)

Beck Youth Inventories 2nd Ed.(BYI-II)


The new Beck Youth Inventories™ Second Edition (BYI-2) uses five self-report inventories to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self-concept in children and adolescents.

The new Beck Youth Inventories™ Second Edition (BYI-2) uses five self-report inventories to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self-concept in children and adolescents.


Judith S Beck, Aaron T Beck, John Jolly and Robert Steer

Age Range:

7 years to 18 years


Individual or group – 5 to 10 minutes per inventory

Now assess Indian children assuring confidence in your clinical decision making, while helping you plan effective intervention. The new Beck Youth Inventories™ -Second Edition, India for Children and Adolescents are designed for Indian children and adolescents ages 7 through 18 years. Five self-report inventories can be used separately or in combination to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior, and self-concept.

BYI-IIINDIA consists of five inventories:

The five inventories each contain 20 questions about thoughts, feelings, and behaviors associated with emotional and social impairment in youth. Children and adolescents describe how frequently the statement has been true for them during the past two weeks, including today. The instruments measure the child’s or adolescent’s emotional difficulties, disruptive behavior and social impairment in five specific areas:

  1. Depression Inventory: This inventory allows for early identification of symptoms of depression. It includes items related to a child’s or adolescent’s negative thoughts about self, life and the future, feelings of sadness and guilt, and sleep disturbance.
  2. Anxiety Inventory: Reflects children’s and adolescents’ specific worries about school performance, the future, negative reactions of others, fears including loss of control, and physiological symptoms associated with anxiety.
  3. Anger Inventory: Evaluates a child’s or adolescent’s thoughts of being treated unfairly by others, feelings of anger and hatred.
  4. Disruptive Behavior Inventory: Identifies thoughts and behaviors associated with conduct disorder and oppositional-defiant behavior.
  5. Self-Concept Inventory: Taps cognitions of competence, potency, and positive self-worth.

BYI-IIINDIA Bridges the gap between the Beck Depression Inventory for adults and the BYI.


  • Save time with brief screening tools to use by gatekeepers.
  • Track students over time on the same group of integrated instruments.
  • Assess adolescents with special needs and low reading level.
  • Identify impaired children for referral to more extensive assessment services.
  • Identify potential vulnerability to bully/victimization.
  • Administer individually or in a group.
  • Comply with any government recommendations/mandates requiring that schools provide special services and accommodation for children with social and/or emotional impairments that interfere with their functioning in the school setting.
  • Compare BYI-II Profiles of teens to BYI-II Profiles of clinical diagnostic groups.
  • Examine strength of BYI-II Self Concept measure relative to symptom strength in planning interventions.
  • Monitor response to interventions.
  • Align your assessment with DSM-IV criteria.

BYI-IIINDIA can be used in your school for

  • General screening
  • Referrals to groups, outside resources
  • Depression screenings
  • eligibility determination
  • Reevaluations
  • Progress monitoring
  • Qualifying students for special education services due to emotional impairment, along with other assessments
  • Planning of IEP for students, focusing on Behavioral objectives
  • Screening for at risk students who may need mental health referral outside the school system

BYI-IIINDIA is available on our online assessment platform, Q-globalTM. Q-global is Pearson’s online or web-based system for test administration, scoring and reporting, launched in India and the subcontinent. It houses the industry’s gold standard in assessment tools and is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. Q-global helps you quickly and efficiently organize examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate, comprehensive reports. Learn more.

Contact us to know about pricing.

Beck Youth Inventories – Second Edition, India, For Children and Adolescents (BYI-IIINDIA)

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Evaluate children’s and adolescents’ emotional difficulties, disruptive behavior and social impairment across five areas – depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behavior and self-concept.

Inside the session – Administration, scoring & interpretation

Key Learning – Holistic understanding of five domains of mental health & well – being

Duration – 3 hours

Who can attend – Students of psychology, school professionals, counsellors, special educators, psychologists and allied mental health professionals

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