Career Decision-Making® (CDM®) Internet

This assessment leads to a detailed career report, suggesting jobs for intensive exploration and providing detailed information about the jobs.[...]

Sigma Survey for Police Officers (SSPO)

Sigma Survey for Police Officers (SSPO) provides a relevant, reliable tool to help select and place qualified police and security officers.[...]

Career Assessment Inventory™- The Vocational Version (CAI)

Career Assessment Inventory™ The Vocational Version (CAI) is a vocational interest inventory for individuals who plan to enter careers immediately after high school or to attend community college or trade school.[...]

Campbell™ Interest and Skill Survey (CISS®)

The Campbell™ Interest and Skill Survey (CISS®) measures self-reported vocational interests and skills. Similar to traditional interest inventories, the CISS interest scales reflect an individual’s attraction for specific occupational areas.[...]

Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System® (IDEAS™)

Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System® (IDEAS™) is a self-scored inventory that helps students and adults develop an awareness of possible career choices.[...]

Career Assessment Inventory™- The Enhanced Version (CAI)

Career Assessment Inventory™ The Enhanced Version (CAI) is an occupational interest inventory for college-bound and non-college-bound individuals.[...]

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