Pearson Clinical India Centum Technologies
The PEDI-CAT is a computer adaptive caregiver report which measures Daily Activities, Mobility, Social/Cognitive, and Responsibility. It’s designed for use with children and youth with a variety of physical and/or behavioral conditions.[...]
Tie intervention strategies directly to assessment with this powerful treatment manual. Use it to plan remediation based on problems identified by the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) or for teaching social skills in any setting.[...]
Identify troubled parent-child relationships with this 45-item standardized assessment of parents’ attitudes toward parenting.[...]
The Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT) is an objective behavioral test of everyday skills relevant to visual neglect, aimed at increasing the understanding of specific difficulties patients experience.[...]
Reynolds Bully Victimization Scales For Schools™ (RBVS) evaluates and monitors bullying behavior and bully-victimization experiences.[...]
Greenspan Social-Emotional Growth Chart monitors the milestones of social-emotional development in infants and young children. Early identification of social-emotional deficits and compromises leads to more successful interventions.[...]
The Devereux Behavior Rating Scale (DBRS™) School Form is used to detect severe emotional disturbances in students. It is based on federal criteria and can be used by educators, psychologists, guidance counselors, and other assessment professionals.[...]
The Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders (DSMD™) help to indicate whether a child or adolescent is experiencing or is at risk for an emotional or behavioral disorder.[...]
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire: A Retrospective Self-Report (CTQ) is a reliable, valid screening for a history of child abuse and neglect[...]
Resiliency Scales for Children & Adolescents™ A Profile of Personal Strengths (RSCA) is a tool to profile personal strengths, as well as vulnerability in teens and children.[...]
The Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) Rating Scales enable targeted assessment of individuals and small groups to help evaluate social skills, problem behaviors, and academic competence.[...]
The BASC-3 Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (BASC-3 PRQ) captures a parental perspective on the parent-child relationship.[...]
A comprehensive set of rating scales and forms, BASC-3 helps you understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents.[...]
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Saturday & Sunday: Closed