Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Screening Test (Bayley-4 Screening Test)

The Bayley-4 Screening Test can quickly determine if a child is on track developmentally or if further, a more comprehensive assessment is needed.[...]

California Verbal Learning Test | Third Edition (CVLT3)

California Verbal Learning Test® Third Edition is the most comprehensive assessment of verbal learning and memory for older adolescents and adults. In the CVLT®3, an examinee listens to series of words and is then asked to recall the terms and the[...]

Test of Premorbid Functioning (TOPF)

Test of Premorbid Functioning estimates an individual’s pre-morbid cognitive and memory functioning. A revised and updated version of the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading™, TOPF helps predict pre-injury IQ and memory abilities.[...]

Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning | Third Edition (WRAML3)

The Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Third Edition (WRAML3) measures short- and long-term memory functioning and the ability to learn new material in children and adults.[...]

Delis Rating of Executive Functions, Adult (D–REF Adult)

Delis Rating of Executive Functions, Adult (D–REF Adult) lets you quickly and easily administer, score, and report the frequency of observed behaviors that identify executive function problems in adults.  [...]

Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test PEDI-CAT

The PEDI-CAT is a computer adaptive caregiver report which measures Daily Activities, Mobility, Social/Cognitive, and Responsibility. It’s designed for use with children and youth with a variety of physical and/or behavioral conditions.[...]

My Choice My Future

My Choice My Future (MCMF) is a one-of-a-kind career assessment tool developed indigenously to fit the students and youngsters in India and abroad.[...]

Millon® Adolescent Clinical Inventory-II (MACI®-II)

The MACI®-II  (Millon® Adolescent Clinical Inventory-II) was developed specifically for teens and adolescents to assess mental health and behaviour concerns often unique to their age group, and assist in making reliable diagnostic and treatment decisions. Guidance on using this test[...]

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development™, Fourth Edition (Bayley™-4)

Bayley™-4 is the most comprehensive assessment tool for determining developmental delays in children. Guidance on using this test in your telepractice.[...]

Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth Edition-India (WRAT 5 – INDIA)

The Wide Range Achievement Test Fifth Edition (WRAT5™) provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and math skills, and helps identify possible learning disabilities.[...]

Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals® – Fifth Edition (CELF-5) Kit

CELF-5 provides clinicians with a streamlined, flexible battery to assess semantics, morphology, syntax, and pragmatics for students ages 5-21. CELF-5 features structured and authentic tests of language ability (including observational and interactive measures) for a complete picture of students’ language[...]

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development – Third Edition (Bayley III)

Examine all the facets of a young child’s development. Children are assessed in the five key developmental domains of cognition, language, social-emotional, motor and adaptive behaviour[...]

Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development- Screening test (Bayley-III)

Screen for cognitive, language and motor development delays[...]

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) India

Get the measure and the results you can completely trust.[...]

Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence™ – Fourth Edition (WPPSI-IV) Complete Kit(US)

An innovative, reliable and valid measure of cognitive development for young children[...]

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